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Today I decided to type about something different that we struggle with every single day especially after washing it. Today's topic is "Hair". Who don't struggle with there hair whether it's so messy, curly, dead straight, frizzy, etc. This isn't a DIY or solution to your problem, but it's a quite rambling about our daily problem with our hair—all the ladies will absolutely understand me— Let's get started.

From a very young age, I knew that my hair would NEVER behave as I wanted to, and you may ask why? I will tell you why. I have a very curly/quite frizzy hair that would not settle down even if I used hundreds of poppy pins. I have to be honest sometimes it behaved, but my baby hair won't let me enjoy much especially when having a windy day. I always say maybe it's my fault because I don't take care of my hair; I mean if you don't take care of something, it won't take care of you. Then I decided to do some hair masks and stuff; it worked and my hair started to be a lot more smoother (than it is) and shiner, but that only last for 24 hrs. Since I'm a girl who works-out/dance as much as I can and sweat so much especially from my sculpt—that's so gross, sorry—, my hair will return to its normal state which is curly and frizzy.

Since yesterday was my birthday(Sept. 13th and I'm typing this on the 14th.), I decided to let my hair down and enjoy myself a little. After dancing a little and taking pictures with my friends, my hair decided that it's enough behaving for tonight. I really didn't care that much about it, but it still annoys me. The point of this chapter is that my hair changed so much while growing up, if it takes phases or something. First, my hair was curly and super-duper smooth until one day it decided to be a lot curlier than it is, but still smooth. Then my hair started to be wavy and not curly anymore. Now, my hair decided to be curly and wavy with crappy tips. I don't why or how my hair changed, but with every change theirs is a struggle.

This is the end of chapter 12. I hope you enjoyed it and that I brought some laughter to your day. Also, let me know if I'm the only who suffer from my hair and its changes. Anyway, Enjoy your weekend and as always wishing you a good, happy and healthy life.

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