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A/N: I was about to end this book with this chapter, but after the feedbacks, I decided to continue writing it, anyway.

As we all hate to be the backup plan, the one who is left behind and the one who is being laughed at, I decided to write about 'Friendship' especially the toxic friendship. We all have those toxic friendships that put us down although we gave everything to make this friendship survive, but they didn't. Today I decided to write about his topic because I have a really full history with it, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one with a history of toxic friendships and fake friends.

As I get older—and hopefully wiser—,I started to notice the huge amount of fake friends and toxic friendships I had in my life—don't ask me why have such friends—who enjoy watching me tortured, as if they are watching a movie. But even if you're watching a movie, you feel pity for the victim, anyway. I remember the first time my OWN friends had fun making fun of me, for having the lowest grade—compared to them—in my math quiz. I mean an 8 year-old girl her friends, who supposed to be her shield, made fun of her because of a stupid number! Trust that was the start of something terrible. But what makes me want to knock them in the head—so furious, I know—is that whenever they're having problems, fights and bad blood, they ALWAYS come to me complaining about whoever they're fighting with. In addition to the complaining, they were begging me to join there revenge plan which unfortunately I joined not only once, but twice. No wonder why I hate this time in my life because of my friends, and it was so hard for me to get that they were not REAL friends. They were the sword, not the shield, that stabbed me. Now, Not only I get ride of them, but also I don't spend my time thinking about them anymore.

To be honest not all of them were so mean and rude, but you can say that they were driven by others just like mean girls. I tried to give those a second chance that worked so well; I mean we're friends once again, but of course they're not that close to me as before. Now, I have a small group of friends, and I'm so happy about it—yes, they're small in number, but bigger in value. The point from this chapter is: not who you call them friends are REALLY your friends, for they can be your worst enemies which means that you have to be careful who is entering your life.

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