G R O W I N G - U P

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Yes, I'm an adult.

No, I still can't do what I want to!

I have, officially, been an adult for two years, yet I don't feel any kinds of change other than responsibilities are giving me a cold shower every single day. Yet, back then at the age of eleven or maybe twelve, I wished that everyone would take me seriously and treat me as an adult. Honestly, I wish that I could go back in time and tell myself that it doesn't worth rushing it.

Most of teenagers and children that I met are wishing to become adults and not enjoying their lives as kids having fun. They have such a wish for one ultimate reason which is... Being Free! Actually, I have to destroy your dreams—sorry not sorry—if you have one of those ultimate freedom/ no control kind-a thoughts!


One: Waking up early! You STILL have to get up early! And you might not be able to go to bed early because your mind is not convinced to do so, yet you have to get up early! It's a daily struggle.

Two: Failure to launch, and I'm not going to write about it that much because I still live with my parents. In fact, the hard part, for me, is to convince them that I WANT to move out all by my own!

Three: Saving money! God only knows when the disaster is going to happen, so you have to save some money for emergencies, paying bills, buy clothes... etc.

Four: CLEANING! As I mentioned above that I live my parents, but that doesn't mean I don't clean at least my room! PS: I'm writing this chapter after hovering my room!

Five: JOB! Not only waking up early to go to work is hard but also finding a job itself is even harder!

THE POINT: If you are a teenager, child ... etc. please don't rush growing up! Enjoy that period of time because you can't go back in time and re-live the moment! If you lose it, you'll lose it forever.

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