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Two weeks ago, I stumbled across a 'TEDxTalk' video talking about following your passion might not be the right choice despite the fact that everyone you meet is telling you to follow your passion. In fact, they will tell you passion is the key to your success. But, it turns out to be deadly wrong.

For me, I have always believed that following my passion will help me find a well-paid career, so that I'll have a fulfilling career. But, according to Benjamin Todd, who is a CEO and a Co-founder of 80,000 hours, in order to have a fulfilling job that you'll love, don't follow your passion.

Let me give you a little of a background about Todd according to his TEDxTalk: He was interested in philosophy, but after reading one of his favorite philosopher saying, "Philosophy is a bunch of empty ideas."-Peter Unger, he knew it won't work because it won't help people or the society. Later, Todd mentioned the struggle to find a fulfilling job, and his experience to find the perfect fulfilling job referring to his site, 'www.80,000 Hours.org' which is a collaboration with Oxford University.


For Todd, a job should firstly, make a difference for society in order to be successful and also satisfied. Secondly, do not follow your parents' or grandparents' jobs because we grow up with different career advice which is 'follow your passion' and not 'follow the money'. Thirdly, a job should not only focus on our interest but also how to help our society.


Well, if someone followed their passion, then one can help society ; for example, writing/books. Authors are basically doing what they love along with helping people whether through fictitious characters, or situations that are both based on actions that took place in real life. In fact, they are, kinda, the impact of such real situations. So, literature is a self-guide to learn how to deal with situations that are similar to what one have read.

For him, jobs should make the world a better place, and I totally agree because that is our greatest purpose after all. But, if I didn't follow my passion, I won't be able to create which will lead to uselessness. I mean if I didn't do what makes me feel good and tried to help people as much as I can, then what am I suppose to do?! 

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