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I decided to write about 'When do we feel bad vibes?' I ask myself that question a lot. Everyone has something that shred their happiness/vibes, and obviously differs from person to another. Some may feel 'Bad Vibes'  from comparison,or social judgment... etc. Reasons may vary, but the problem is still the same.

Personally, I feel bad vibes when I start to compare myself to others. It makes me feel so bad about myself, specially, if I could not achieve what other achieved. That is when doubt replaces happiness. Sometimes, I feel so low and pitiful about myself. I know that I shouldn't feel this way because everyone is different that makes our goals and notions vary from one another.

I remember the time that I compared myself to super models –ladies know that one VERY well– in terms of how beauty, glam, and success, and it was a shameful act from a person who always believed in diversities and knows that you better work hard than sit down and watch. My point here is that it doesn't mean that you can not do a certain thing or measure up to something that you'll give up. 

Unfortunately, comparison increases to its maximum due to social media, but don't get me wrong here I'm one of the users of social media. I mean, if you took a closer look on social media, you'll find that we share the best things, achievements, upcoming projects, and purchases that we did or will do. No one would like to share a broken piece of furniture, bad days at work, or a messy home with trillion things here and there, you know. To be honest with you, I will never do it unless I have a purpose or message behind it, and I will be doubting about posting it. 

 While posting about our 'Best' things, most of us don't think about those who don't have the 'Best' things, achievements, projects, or even a special person in their life. This is not a call to stop posting on social media. My point is that you're free to post whatever you like, but remember before pressing that small, harmless button, check the content of your post whether it's a comment, picture...etc.

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