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Today's topic is a recent thing, so recent, that happened today, and I really can't pass it without talking about it. Today, I felt like I don't belong to anywhere, and that I'm lost, low and sad like I have never been before. Today's topic is "Misfitting". I felt like a misfit who felt alone and pensive.

Misfitting is a feeling that I'm not familiar with; I mean I've always been a social-friendly person who enjoys social occasions and meeting new people. But today was different from what I'm familiar with. I went to the library along with my friends in order to spend the time reading/doing something since we had a gap/break between the two lectures we had. I entered the library, and there were limited number of chairs, which-again-something that I'm familiar with; I mean it is a library, that we can hardly sit all together. But what makes me feel bad, is that my friends didn't even try to find place for me. I'm not complaining or anything; I'm just wondering why they did that. If there wasn't a seat for one of the others, they will make the effort to find a place for this person, but for me no. I left the library and no one even noticed or cared to ask where I was going. I wandered aimlessly until I reached a place that I can spend my break in, and managed to finally eat my breakfast.

The point of today's chapter is not to tell you that I was left there alone, which I don't mind, but I mind when I'm forced to leave, knowing that my friends are having a good time while I'm sitting alone in the bright sunlight burning from the hot weather—although it's fall, but it was hot, anyway—and anger.

But that wasn't the end as I thought it would be. In fact, there's a bright side of this experience. Today, I met a lovely stranger who eventually became my friend before leaving for my next lecture. The thing that I discovered about making new friends is that you totally forget about your problems/worries and your friends who pissed you off. Infact, making new friends helps you experience something new; I mean you're introduced to new person, new life and new experience.

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