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Today's topic is a serious one. Today's topic is about "Space." Since I'm studying Time, Space, and Body from Philosophers' and Scientists' own perspectives which is difficult and variant, too. Today I decided to share the perspectives of space of my friends and I.

You might be asking why I chose Space? Or why I chose such topic?!  Well, to be honest it's my favorite part. But, The real reason for picking this topic is when our professor asked us to think for a minute and share our opinions about this question "Where do we feel alone and (physically and mentally)?"

To be honest the question struck me a little bit because—in my mind—I counted the places that I daily visit, and the only place that I visit daily without interruptions, interfering...etc.  Simply the place was the Bathroom/Toilet. I Think I said for thousand times, but I'll say it again 'I've always been /will always be a believer of freedom'. But I think people around me have another opinion, anyway. The point is that I wasn't the only one who found out they are alone only in the bathroom.

Then, our professor asked "Why bathrooms and toilets?"  Our answers went something like this: "Judgment: No one is going to judge us,"  "Curiosity: because no one is curious about what are you doing there," "Security: I feel secure in the bathroom knowing that nobody is watching you." The only different answer was from my lovely friend who said "Library: because I feel like I'm in my comfort zone, and I'm distracting myself from overthinking."

At this point we found our professor telling us unpredictable comment which is "I'm sorry," "I'm so sorry that you all have to go through all of this in such a young age." She added, "I know all the negative comments that you hear, all the stereo-types issues and judgment. You should be proud that you are living and fighting for your freedom with education."

But the positive thing is that we don't stop and hide in our homes or bathrooms. We go outside and face the world. WE ARE FIGHTING BECAUSE WE ARE STRONG.

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