Chapter 6

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Tim yawns and stretches as he pops his back. He smiles as he remembers the dream he had last night. The dream about the sexy blond in the next room.

He reaches over and feels around on his dresser trying to locate his phone.

"D*mn it." He cusses under his breath as he accidentally knocks his phone off the dresser onto the floor. "Way to go, Clumsy."

Throwing back the covers, he gets out of bed and down on his hands and knees, feeling around on the floor. Finally locating his phone under his bed.

He gets up from the floor and sits on the side of his bed. His finger slides over the face of his phone and presses a button.

"The time is 8:05 am." The computer type voice says.

Tim nods as if to answer. He heads to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Normally, he would just grab a pair of jeans and an old tee shirt. But Adam was here now so he wanted to look nice. He slips on a pair of jeans then runs his hand over his shirts trying to find a dress shirt. Betty always told him he looked handsome in a button up shirt.

He finds one and puts it on, rolling the sleeves up to the elbow. Slipping on his boots then running his hands through his slightly damp hair, he was ready for the day.

Walking out into the hallway, he catches the smell of bacon causing his stomach to rumble. He finds Adam's door and softly taps.

"Adam?" Tim says in a soft voice. When he didn't get an answer, he figured the blond was still asleep and decided to wake him for breakfast.

He opens the door and steps inside the room. A smile comes across his face as he hears the shower and Adam singing.

Tim takes a seat on the bed and waited with an evil smirk on his face.

Adam gets out of the shower and grabs a towel. He smiles as visions of his dream about the sexy man in the next room re-enters his mind. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he brushes his teeth and his hair. He then heads to his closet to get him some clothes.

"Tim." Adam says in a hitched breath, not expecting to see anyone in his room.

"Good morning." Tim smiles, his eyes turning in the direction of the voice.

"You scared me. I didn't expect you to be there." Adam says as he tightens the towel around his waist.

"I think breakfast is ready." Tim says as he zeros in on Adam's voice.

"Uh, okay. I just need to, uh, get dressed." Adam says nervously.

"Wait. You're naked?" Tim smirks as he raises a brow.

"Well, not exactly. Uh, I have a towel around me." Adam says as his cheeks heat up.

"Nice. Well, don't let me stop you. Take your time." Tim smiles.

"Will you stop." Adam chuckles.

"Stop what? What am I doing?" Tim grins.

"You're staring at me with a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame." Adam giggles nervously.

"I can't see you." Tim states. "Go ahead and get dressed. Breakfast is getting cold."

"Alright, but stop smiling." Adam says as he starts to unfasten the towel.

"Sorry." Tim says as he bites his bottom lip to keep from laughing.

Having excellent hearing, Tim smiles as he hears the towel fall to the floor and gives a flirty whistle of approval.

"UGH! TIM!!" Adam huffs as he stomps to the closet, going inside and slamming the door behind him.

"Adam, I sorry." Tim laughs. "Please, don't be mad."

"Leave me alone." Adam whines inside of the closet.

"Come on out, there may be spiders in there." Tim says with a smirk on his lips.

There are a few seconds of silence.

"Spiders?" Adam asks quietly.

Chris looks into the bedroom and sees Tim but no Adam.

"Where's Adam?" Chris asks.

"He's locked himself in the closet." Tim says with a huge smile.

Chris walks up to the closet door with a confused look on his face.

"Uh, Adam?" Chris calls out to his little brother.

"What?" His brother answers through the door.

"Didn't you come out of the closet years ago?" Chris chuckles.

Tim laughs loudly and falls back on the bed.

Suddenly the closet door flies open almost hitting Chris in the face.

A fully dressed Adam emerges.

"God, I hate you both so bad right now." Adam says as he grabs his shoes and sits down on the bed beside Tim to put them on. "Stop laughing." He slaps Tim on the leg.

"Owww." Tim laughs as he rubs his leg. "That hurt."

"That's only the beginning if you don't stop laughing." Adam warns.

"I was just going to let you know that breakfast was ready." Chris says. "Everyone else is already downstairs."

"We're on our way." Adam answers.

Chris chuckles and shakes his head as he leaves. 'Those two are definitely headed for a relationship' he thought to himself as he headed down stairs.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me?" Tim pouts as he lays his head on Adam's shoulder.

"You swear that you can't see anything?" Adam asks, looking around at the bearded man.

"Blinder than Ray Charles, Helen Keller and Ronnie Milsap all wrapped up in one." Tim says. "So rest assured, I didn't see you naked. Not saying that it wouldn't be nice."

"Weeelll." Adam gives an evil smile as he picks up Tim's hand. Remembering that Tim had told him that the blind see with their hands, he softly kisses each of Tim's finger tips. "Maybe someday, I'll let you see." He whispers near the blind man's ear.

Adam giggles as Tim loses his breath.

"What?" Tim whispers. Adam was barely able to hear him.

"I think you heard me." Adam giggles as he stands up from the bed.

"No. Wait! You can't just say something like that and then walk away." Tim says.

"Wanna bet?" Adam laughs at Tim's shocked expression. He could clearly see that just the thought of it was getting the blind man aroused. "Breakfast is getting cold, Theodore." Adam whispers seductive and places a soft kiss on Tim's cheek.

Tim growls as he hears Adam laughing as he leaves the room.

"OH, YOU THINK YOU'RE BEING SLICK, DON'T YOU!" Tim yells and hears Adam laugh louder as he's walking down the hallway. Tim jumps up and finds his way to the door. "WELL, I HAVE YOU TO KNOW THIS IS WAR, ALVIN!!!"

"How dare him to tease me like that." Tim huffs as he tries to adjust his erection. He starts to feel his way toward the stairs. "Two can play at that game, Mr. Rupp." He whispers, with a raised brow.



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