Chapter 41

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"What can I do to help?" Tim asks as he and Satchmo sit on Rob and Kelsey's bed.

He could hear the boxes being opened and things being unpacked. He felt useless.

"There has to be something I can do." Tim says when no one answers. "Maybe I can hang some pictures." He adds with a smirk.

"Well? There're more boxes in the elevator. Would you be able to bring them in here?" Kelsey asks. She didn't want to sound as if she felt he couldn't do anything. She just wasn't for sure of Tim's limitations.

"Does a bear sh*t in the woods?" Tim asks with a smile as he jumps up and grabs Satchmo's leash.

"Tim." Rob scolds as he shakes his head.

"Hey, she's going to be living here, right? I might as well break her in as to what to expect from me." Tim chuckles.

"Oh, I think I already know, Timmy." Kelsey laughs as she gently pats Tim on the cheek.

Tim jumps slightly at the sudden touch and then laughs. "Sorry, I thought it was Adam fixin' to hit me again."

"What!?" Adam laughs out. "Get your ass to that elevator." He adds as he pops his lover on the ass.

"Oww, see what I mean?" Tim chuckles as he and Satchmo leave the room. "Always beating on me."

"He's a trip." Kelsey laughs. "You never know what's gonna come out of his mouth."

"Trust me, we know." Rob says, shaking his head. "We've all lived together for years and are still surprised at some of the things he says."

"He's also so quick with his smart ass comments. It catches us off guard sometimes." Chance chuckles as he signs.

"What are y'all talking about?" Austin asks, having missed most of the conversation while unpacking.

"Tim and his witty comments." Chance signs.

"Oh, I know them all too well." Austin smiles.

Tim walks into the elevator and picks up a box while holding on to Satch's lease. The door automatically closes behind him.

"Sh*t." Tim shakes his head. As he tries to press the button to open the door while holding the box, his finger slips and he accidentally presses the button for the third floor, the game room. "Double sh*t." He chuckles as he feels the elevator begin to move. "Where the hell am I taking us, Satch? Next time you're in charge of the elevator." He adds with a laugh.

When the door opens, he knows that he sent them to the game room from the sounds of the video games.

"Let's try this again. This d*mn box is getting heavy." He lifts his knee to balance the box as he reaches over and runs his fingers over the controls. After finding the right button, he presses it. "Let's not tell anyone about this, okay, Buddy." He chuckles as the door opens. "Go to Rob." He tells his faithful seeing-eye dog.

Satchmo leads him directly to Rob's room.

"See? I told you I could help." Tim says, placing the box on the floor before sitting down on the bed.

"Honey, there's more than one box in the elevator." Kelsey says as she opens the box that the blind man had delivered.

"Oh. Uh, okay." Tim says as he slowly stands. "Come on, Satch."

"Baby, is something wrong?" Adam asks as he notices Tim was reluctant to go after the other boxes.

"Of course not, what could be wrong besides sending a blind man to go get boxes out of an elevator that has a mind of its own." Tim grumbles as he heads to the door.

"Oh, my God. What happened?" Austin asks through a fit of laughter.

"Tim, I can go get the boxes." Rob offers.

"No, that's okay. I'll do it. I didn't mind at all going to the game room. It was a nice ride." Tim replies.

Satchmo barks at him as if to say, 'I thought we weren't supposed to say anything'.

"Oh, hush. I know what I had said." Tim growls. "They forced it out of me." He adds as he leaves the room.

"Maybe I should go help. There are several boxes." Chance signs before heading out the door.

Tim was already halfway down the hall. Chance had to jog to catch up with him. Tim hears the footsteps running up the hallway toward him.

"WHAT THE F*CK??!!" Tim yells out as he quickly turns around. He had no idea who was running at him. Was it a d*mn burglar or what. "You better get back if you know what's good for you. My dog is trained to kill!!"

Chance chuckles as he reaches for Tim's hand.

"SATCHMO!!" Tim yells as he jerks his hand back from the mute.

Satchmo looks at his owner then at Chance and then back at his owner. He had no idea what he was supposed to do.

Chance huffs as he snatches Tim's hand and quickly lays it on his cheek.

Tim gives a nervous chuckle as he feels the face of his attacker. "Oh, sorry, Chance. I had no idea who was running toward me. Scared the sh*t out of me."

Chance takes the blind man's hand and lays it on top of his. "I thought I would help you with the boxes."

"Oh, okay. But watch that d*mn elevator. I think it's possessed." Tim says as he turns to continue down the hall.

"So who does what around here?" Kelsey was asking as Tim and Chance brings in the last of the boxes.

"You mean like chores?" Adam asks.

"Yeah, does one person do all the cooking? And is there a person assigned to do the laundry or what?" Kelsey asks.

"We do our own laundry." Tim says as he sits back down on the bed.

"We tend to our own bedrooms and then pitch in together to keep the rest of the house clean." Austin says.

"Okay, what about cooking?" Kelsey asks as she leans against the dresser.

"I guess it would be whoever was in the mood to cook." Austin answers.

"Whoever gets up first usually starts breakfast." Chance signs.

"And then there are times that we all just pitch in." Rob says with a shrug.

"Then there're times that no one feels like cooking so we just order take-out." Tim adds.

"The reason that I was asking is that I absolutely love to cook." Kelsey says.

"But what about your job at the bar?" Adam asks, sitting down next to Tim on the bed.

"Honey, I own the place. My shift is during the day. I have a night manager to handle things at night." Kelsey answers. "Y'all might have to continue doing your own breakfast but I would love to cook supper for you guys at night."

"And we would love to allow you." Tim chuckles.

"You can call me weird if you want but I also love grocery shopping." Kelsey giggles.

"Geez, you are weird." Austin laughs.

"Yep, she's gonna fit right in." Tim nods.


Until next time .... ✌️

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