Chapter 33

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"Can we open gifts now?" Austin asks as he bounces anxiously in his seat.

"I don't know. Would yall rather sing some Christmas songs or bake cookies or....." Chris says with a wicked smile.

"NO!" The four handicapped men shouted causing the others to laugh.

"Don't tease them, Chris." Kelsey laughs.

"Okay, we'll go in alphabetical order. Austin, you first." Chris says causing Tim to pout. 

"ALRIGHT!!" Austin yells with excitement as he runs to the tree to find his gift. "D*mn, this is heavy." He says as he picks his gift up and lugs it back to his seat. "Heaven, help me. It's from Tim."

"I hope you like it." Tim says with a smile.

"What is it? Bricks?" Austin laughs as he begins to unwrap his gift. His jaw drops when he sees what Tim had got him. "Oh, my God. You remembered."

"Well, you said you wanted to start lifting weights. So I thought I'd help you out by getting you some." Tim smiles.

"Thank you so much. I love it." Austin smiles as he goes and hugs the blind man.

"Okay, Chance. Your turn." Chris says.

Chance goes to find his gift. He nods his head at Rob and smiles when he sees the gift was from him.

He begins to grin when he sees a new Xbox and a few of the latest games.

"Thank you, Rob. This is awesome." Chance signs with a huge grin.

"What did he get?" Tim asks.

"A new Xbox and some games from Rob." Adam answers.

"Well, we won't be seeing Chance for awhile." Tim chuckles.

"My turn!" Rob says as he rolls his chair over to the tree. 

"Ohhhhh, Austin, thank you so much. I'm glad you were paying attention to my hints." Rob laughs.

"What is it?" Tim asks.

**a/n: I don't know if anything like this really exist but this is fiction so it does here. **  

"It's a virtual reality headset and some virtual reality movies." Rob answers.

"What does that mean?" Tim asks. He had never heard of such a thing.

"You wear this headset when you watch these movies and it's like you're there. It's so cool." Rob says as he looks through the movies.

"Oh, okay, if you say so." Tim smiles.

Chance goes to get Tim's gift and hands it to Adam. He takes Tim's hand and lays it on his.

"This is from me. I hope you like it." He signs as Adam hands the gift to Tim.

"I'm sure I will, Chance. Thank you." Tim says as he tears at the Christmas wrapping. "Are these .. are these books?" He runs his hand over one.

"Baby, they are books on audio. I helped him pick them out. Famous actors and actresses read the books." Adam says.

"Really? I've always wanted some of these. But .. my headphones have a short in them." Tim says as he runs his hand over some of the titles written in braille. "I'll have to get me some more before I can listen to them."

"No need to. He got you a new set." Adam smiles as Chance hands him the headphones.

"This is awesome." Tim smiles. "These are classics too. Wait. This one is a collection of Edgar Allen Poe. If you need me, I'll be in my room listening to James Earl Jones reading 'Tell-Tale Heart'. I love it, Chance." Tim reaches out and hugs the mute's neck.

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