Chapter 18

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"What smells so good in here?" Tim asks as he walks into the kitchen where Adam and Chris were.

"Supper. We have company coming tonight." Chris says as he checks the lasagna in the oven.

"Company? We've never had company." Tim says as he sits down at the table. "No one wants to see us."

"Kelsey is coming. You remember the lady you met at the festival." Adam says as he chops vegetables for the salad.

"Oh, she's not coming to see us. She's coming to see Rob." Tim says with a smirk. "She's got the hots for the lovable teddy bear."

"Oh? And how do you know that?" Adam chuckles as he puts a cherry tomato up to Tim's lips. "Bite?"

"I just know these things." Tim says before opening his mouth allowing Adam to put the small tomato in his mouth. "Just like I knew that you had the hots for me."

"I do believe it was the other way around." Adam laughs as he goes back to his chopping.

"Whatever." Tim chuckles as he chews.

"Okay, Mr. Timothy. Who made up lies just so I would help him upstairs? And who was flirting with me at the bar in the man cave." Adam smiles as he lists the events. "And who ..."

"Okay. Okay. You made your point." Tim laughs.

"Well, even if you are right about Kelsey, Tim." Chris says. "I think it would be good for Rob to find someone. Kelsey is a very sweet lady."

"Oh, I think it would be good too." Tim says as he stands from the table. "Rob needs to get laid."

"Tim!" Adam scolds.

"I'm serious. Everyone in this house is getting sex but him." Tim says stopping at the door.

"But can he, you know?" Chris asks with a puzzled look.

"His legs may be useless but he said his dick works just fine." Tim answers with a smirk.

"Oh, my God." Adam laughs and shakes his head.

"I gotta go pee." Tim chuckles as he leaves the kitchen. As he makes his way toward the bathroom, the doorbell rings. He turns around and heads to the front door. "I GOT IT!"

"Hi, Tim." Kelsey smiles as she sees the blind man at the door.

"Uh, Kelsey?" Tim asks, trying to place the voice in his head.

"Yeah, it's me." She answers.

"Come on in." Tim smiles as he steps back from the door. "Chris and Adam are in the kitchen. That way. (pointing) I have to go pee."

"Okay?" She laughs.

Tim turns quickly on his heels and heads down the hallway.

"Hey, Kelsey." Adam says, coming from the kitchen wiping his hands.

"Hi." She smiles as she hugs him. "Mmm, something smells delicious."

"It's Chris's famous lasagna." Adam chuckles.

"Is it anything like your mom's? God, I love her lasagna." Kelsey says as they walk back into the kitchen.

"Where do you think I learned how to make it." Chris laughs as he hugs his friend.

"So, uh, where is everyone?" Kelsey says as she glances around.

"Probably up in the lounge in the attic. That's where they stay most of the time. And I think Tim went to the bathroom." Adam says as he put the salad he made into the refrigerator.

"Yeah, he told me that he had to go pee." Kelsey laughs. "I love how straight forward he is."

"He is definitely that." Adam laughs, shaking his head. "You never know what to expect from him."

"From who?" Tim asks as he walks back into the kitchen.

"From you, that's who." Adam chuckles.

"So I leave the room for five minutes and you're already talking about me?" Tim asks with a raised brow.

"Because, you are my favorite subject to talk about." Adam says as he walks up and slides his arms around Tim's waist.

"Slick way to get out of a sticky situation but so cheesy." Tim says with a smirk, laying his hands on his boyfriends hips.

"Wasn't it though." Adam chuckles, giving Tim a sweet kiss.

"Tim, you're distracting my help." Chris laughs. "Why don't you show Kelsey to the lounge? Supper will be ready in about thirty minutes."

"Sure, I can get the hint. I know when we're not wanted." Tim says with a pout as he holds out his arm. "Come on, Kelsey."

"My pleasure." Kelsey says as she takes his arm.

"Thirty minutes!" Chris calls to them as they leave room.

Tim leads Kelsey to the elevator. As the door closes, he presses the button for the attic.

Without saying a word, Kelsey reaches over and presses the stop button. Bringing the elevator to a sudden halt.

"Oh, no." Tim gasps as he grabs onto the wall.

"I stopped it. I didn't mean to scare you." Kelsey says.

"Well, you did a good job of it." Tim replies. "Why did you stop it?"

"I wanted to ask you something before we got to the attic." Kelsey smiles.

"Uh, Okay?" Tim says as he nervously runs a hand through his hair.

He didn't know this lady. What if she was a mass murderer and tries to kill him? Or what if she makes a pass at him? What the hell was he suppose to do?

"It's about your friend Rob. First, is he gay? Second, if not, does he have a girlfriend?" Kelsey asks.

""Uh.." Tim gives a relieved chuckle. "He's not gay. He's divorced. His wife left him after he had his accident."

"That's awful." Kelsey says. "How could someone do something like that?"

"I know. He's just a big lovable teddy bear." Tim smiles. "So. You interested?"

"Adam was right about you. You speak what's on your mind." Kelsey giggles.

"Well, it's pretty clear that you're interested or you wouldn't be asking. Am I right?" Tim says with a smirk on his lips.

"You're right." She says, smiling up at the taller man.

"Now, can you start the elevator back up?" Tim asks with a smile. "I'm getting a little claustrophobic."

"Oh, sorry." She giggles as she presses the button, starting the elevator.

"Wait!" Kelsey gasps after the door opens. Causing Rob and Chance to look around at the elevator. "Oh, my God. I didn't know the game was on already."

She hurries over, taking a seat that was next to Rob's wheelchair.

"So you're a Vikings fan?" Rob asks with a huge grin.

"Well, yeah!" She answers with a little too much excitement.

"A match made in Heaven." Tim mumbles, shaking his head as he feels his way over to the bar.



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