Chapter 10

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** RUNNER-UP IN MONDAY'S UPDATE VOTING!! This chapter goes out to: ObsessedwithTidam , ObsessedwithChance , BjOaks , Tomboylovesmusic


"Do you guys fight a lot?" Adam says as he leads Tim down the hallway. Chris had wanted to meet with everyone again.

"Uh, not really. It's just that Austin can be a thorn in my side from time to time." Tim smiles. "I love him like a brother but he's a jokester. He loves to have fun at someone else's expense, usually mine."

They walk into the parlor holding hands. Everyone stops talking and looks around at them.

"Are they staring at us?" Tim whispers to Adam.

"Yep." Adam chuckles slightly as they walk over to take a seat on the couch.

Satchmo hops up on the couch beside Tim, laying his head in the blind man's lap.

"Okay. After our talk the other day, I realized that there was something that I need to ask. Just in case the event happens, we'll know what to expect. Just about everyone has some kind of a fear of something. For me, I have a tremendous fear of heights. I can't get up on a foot stool without panicking." Chris chuckles. "So if you have some sort of fear, Please don't be embarrassed to tell. But I would kinda like to know."

"I'm scared to death of spiders." Austin says. "I don't give a sh*t how small and harmless they are, I go screaming out of the room like a teenage girl."

"There was an exterminator that came and sprayed but they stopped after Ms. Betty passed away." Rob says.

"We'll call and get it started again before we start seeing anything." Adam says.

"I'm scared of the dark." Chance says with Austin being the interpreter. "I panic very quickly if the lights go out."

"My fear is a little embarrassing." Rob chuckles. "I am petrified of dolls and clowns. I developed that fear years ago after watching 'Chucky' and 'IT' and through the years it developed into a real phobia."

"You're not alone there, Rob." Adam smiles. "Clowns scare me too. Every since I was little I was scared to death of the clowns at the circus. I'd have nightmares about them. I also have a fear of needles. I've been known to get very nauseated and even pass out."

"Tim? That leaves you." Chris smiles.

"I tend to freak out during thunderstorms. I get really scared." Tim nods. "I also have a fear of getting lost."

"We all went to town once with Ms. Betty and somehow Tim got separated from us. By the time we found him, he was having a full panic attack." Rob says.

"Yeah, so I don't leave the house very often. Even with Satchmo, I'm still afraid of getting separated from everyone." Tim says.

"Okay, that actually helps out a lot. Now we know that if a bad storm comes up, our focus should be on Chance and Tim." Chris says.

"Betty was planning on having some emergency lights put in that would automatically come on if the power goes out but she never got a chance." Tim says.

"That's a good idea. We need to check in on that, Chris." Adam says and his older brother nods and makes a note of it.

"One other thing, is anyone allergic to anything?" Chris asks.

"I'm not allergic to it but I can't have regular salt. It sends my blood pressure through the roof." Rob says.

"As much as I love it. I break out really bad if I eat chocolate." Austin says.

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