Chapter 42

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Kelsey quietly sets her laundry basket down near the doorway of the laundry room and watches Tim as he hung up his and Adam's clothes. She found the blind man very interesting.

He would take each article of clothing out of the dryer, from her angle she really couldn't see what he was doing. He would then either hang the clothing on different hooks or fold them and place them in different piles.

Apparently, he was separating his clothes from Adams. But how did he know?

"I'll be done in just a minute." Tim says, sensing someone behind him.

"Oh, that's fine. I was just watching." Kelsey smiles as she reaches down and pats Satchmo on the head.

"You know I'm spoken for, right?" Tim chuckles as he slips a pair of jeans onto a hanger.

"I'm not watching you in that type of manner." She giggles, walking up next to the brunette. "I just find you interesting.

"Me?" Tim laughs.

"Yeah, you. I noticed that you're hanging your clothes separate from Adam's. How can you tell the difference?" Kelsey asks.

"Simple. Adam's clothes don't have Braille on them." Tim answers as he picks up a tee shirt. "See this?"

He shows her the tag of the shirt. There were four black dots sewn onto the tag.

"Betty sewed this on every article of clothing I own. It's the letter T in braille." Tim says as he shows her the shirt. "That's how I can tell the difference between mine and Adam's clothes."

(Sorry for such a large picture

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(Sorry for such a large picture. LOL)

"Interesting." Kelsey says as she runs her finger over the four dots.

"It's not a big deal when it comes to the tee shirts since we wear the same size but it does matter with our jeans and underwear." Tim says as he takes the shirt and puts it on the hanger.

"I still find you interesting." She says as she watches the brunette stare out at the empty space as he folds clothes.

"I'm no different than anyone else here. I just have to use my fingers to see just like Chance has to use his to speak. Yeah, I have problems at times but I manage." Tim says with a shrug.

"You need any help getting those back to your room?" Kelsey asks.

"Nope, I got this." Tim smiles as he lays the hung clothes on top of the laundry basket. Reaching down, he takes Satch's lease and slips his hand through the loop at the end. "Let's go, boy." He adds as he picks up the basket. "Oh, by the way, we need to stop meeting like this. Adam and Rob are sure to catch on." He chuckles.

"It'll be hard but I'll try." Kelsey laughs as Satchmo leads Tim out of the room.

She has only been living at the house for a week but has learned so much about the guys. How independent each one tries to be with Rob and Tim having the most obstacles. Their personalities and how to read their moods, their likes and dislikes especially when it comes to food, any allergies that they might have and even fears. It was her job now to step up and help Adam care for the guys and the house. She was loving every minute of it.


"I was about to send a search party out for you two." Adam chuckles as Tim and Satchmo walk into the bedroom. He was just finishing up making the bed.

"Am I weird?" Tim asks, just out of the blue, as he set the laundry basket down.

"What?" Adam laughs.

"Kelsey was watching me down in the laundry room. She said that she found me interesting. Does that mean that I'm weird?" Tim asks as he starts to put up their clothes.

"No, you're not weird. I think it's just the fact of how you are able to do things without being able to see. A lot of people thinks of the blind as being helpless." Adam replies. "I mean, I'm still amazed at some of the things you do without any help and we've been together for a while now. It's all new to her."

"This is all I've known." Tim shrugs. "You might say that this is normal for me."

"She's just learning about you guys, Sweetie. She's learning when to ask if you need help and when not to." Adam says.

"As long as she doesn't decide to rearrange everything." Tim smiles.

"I've already warned her about that." Adam says as he brushes his lover's hair back behind his ear. "I don't want you jamming another toe."

"Me too. That sh*t hurt." Tim chuckles as he takes the harness off of Satchmo. "Now that we're done with our chores, can I buy you a drink in the lounge, Mr. Reid?"

"I would love that, Mr. Forrester." Adam giggles as he quickly kisses the brunette.

"Satch, you coming?" Tim asks as they head for the door.

"I think he has other plans." Adam laughs as Satchmo hops onto the bed and lays down. "Like taking a nap."

"Betty couldn't get me a regular seeing-eye dog. She just had to get me a lazy, over-sized bag of bones." Tim chuckles as he shakes his head.

"But you love that bag of bones." Adam smiles.

"No amount of money could buy that worthless piece of sh*t from me." Tim smiles as he grabs his cane before heading to the elevator.

As they exit the elevator, they are met with shouts from the others as they play some game.

"BARTENDER!!" Tim yells as he bangs on the bar. "WE NEED SERVICE!!"

Adam quickly runs around the bar.

"What can I get you today, Mr. Flintstone?" Adam asks.

"Flintstone?" Tim laughs. "Okay, Mr. Rubble, I will take a beer."

"You actually watched the Flintstones?" Adam asks with a chuckle as he opens a bottle of beer for the brunette.

"Well, I listened to it when I was a kid. Who doesn't know the Flintstones." Tim smiles.

"Can I get you anything else, Mr. Frost?" Adam says softly as he leans on the bar, closer to his lover's face. His eyes moving from Tim's eyes to his lips. Those soft inviting lips.

"Maybe some pretzels, Mr. ..uh... Richards?" Tim chuckles slightly as he found difficulty thinking of a last name starting with R. He could feel Adam's hot breath on his face which was screwing up his thinking.

"Pretzels? Seriously? That really wasn't what I had in mind but I'll get you some pretzels." The blonde laughs as he turns to go to the snack bar.

It gives Tim time to clear his mind and think of his next move.

"Here's your pretzels, Mr. ... " Adam states, setting a bowl of the snacks in front of the blind man.

"Care to share?" Tim interrupts as he takes one pretzel from the bowl before pushing it away. He puts the end of the snack in his mouth and leans in, offering Adam the other end.

"Don't mind if I do." Adam smiles as he takes the other end in his mouth.

Their lips slightly touching as they bite the snack.

"I love you, Mr. Rupp." Tim whispers against the blonde's lips.

"I love you, Mr. Foust." Adam says softly before crashing his lips against his lover's.


Until next time .... ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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