Chapter 21

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** NOTE: I know we've all seen the video a million times. But the clothing they are wearing in this chapter, is the same in this video. Kelsey's bar also looks like the one in this video.


"Hey, Adam?' Tim calls as he comes out of the bathroom, holding a towel around his waist. "You in here?"

"Yep, and totally enjoying the view." Adam chuckles as he slips on his shoes.

"Oh, uh, thanks." Tim smiles, biting his bottom lip as his face reddens.

"What do you need, sexy?" Adam smiles as he gets up from the bed and walks over to his lover.

"I was wondering if you could pick me out something to wear to the bar tonight." Tim says and then smiles. "I've been told that I'm not too color coordinated."

"Now, who would tell you that? Austin." Adam chuckles as he heads to Tim's closet.

"You guessed it." Tim says as he grabs some boxers from his dresser and heads back to the bathroom.

"Okay. Let's see here." Adam talks to himself as he looks through Tim's clothes. "Something hot and sexy. Oooo, I love this shirt."

He pulls a charcoal gray dress shirt off the clothes rack.

"And this. And this. And these." Adam says as he grabs a beautiful black leather jacket, a black tie and a pair of dark colored jeans.

He lays the clothes on the bed then moves to the mirror and begins to tie his hair back into a pony tail.

"You'd find me something?" Tim asks as he exits the bathroom.

"Uh huh. They're laying on the bed." Adam says.

"I'm excited about tonight." Tim says as he sits down to put on his socks and jeans. "I've never been to a bar before."

"Seriously?" Adam asks as he turns away from the mirror. "You've never been to a bar?"

"Nope, never." Tim stands to pull up his jeans and fastens them. "Your grandmother was quite the Christian lady. She really didn't mind us having a few beers at home but there was absolutely no going to a sinful bar."

"That sounds like her." Adam chuckles as he watches Tim button up his shirt. Being careful to line the buttons up with the button holes and not to miss any buttons.

"A tie?" Tim asks as feels of the article of clothing. "I haven't worn a tie since Betty's funeral."

"You were at grandma's funeral?" Adam asks as he fixes Tim's tie.

"Of course. We were all there." Tim answers.

"I don't remember seeing you. I think I would remember your handsome face." Adam smiles and Tim chuckles.

"Well, I'm sure you were sitting in the family section. The auditorium was not visible to you, I don't think." Tim says as he reaches for his jacket. "We weren't family members so we weren't allowed up there. I think your mom tried to get them to allow us to sit with the family but the funeral director wouldn't allow it."

"That's terrible. Cause I know grandma considered you family and would've wanted you to be in the family section." Adam says.

"I know." Tim nods. "Do you see my boots? I think I just threw them last night when I took them off."

Adam laughs as he sees one boot over next to the dresser and the other next to the door.

"Well, I think that was the quickest I've ever seen you undress." Adam laughs as he gets the boots.

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