Chapter 39

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"Tell me something. Just how in the hell can two people dirty up so many clothes when we just washed a few days ago." Tim grumbles as he totes the laundry basket from the bathroom.

"We dirty up a bunch of sheets, Sweet Thing." Adam smiles as he kisses his boyfriend's cheek. "And we take a lot of showers afterward."

"Hey, guys?" Rob says as he enters the couple's bedroom. "Uh, I thought y'all would want to know that Chris and Nate are fixing to leave."

"Now?" Adam asks.

"So nice of him to say goodbye." Tim says, sitting the laundry basket on the bed.

"Come on." Adam says as he takes Tim's hand. 

They follow Rob to the elevator and head downstairs. They see Chris and Nate by the front door with their luggage. Chris and Austin seemed to be having a few words.

"Chris?" Adam says as they get closer. "Were you not even going to say goodbye?"

"I figured we said our goodbyes last night." Chris says as he starts to pick up some luggage.

"About last night. I might have overreacted some. I'm sorry." Adam says.

"I would say you did." Chris says as he picks up another suitcase.

"That's it? That's all you have to say?" Tim asks, tilting his head.

"Tim." Adam says quietly, laying a hand on his lover's arm. "It's okay."

"No, Babe, it's not okay." Tim replies. "You just apologized and he didn't even acknowledge it."

"Okay, apology accepted. Happy now, Tim?" Chris says as he sets down the suitcases.

"Actually, no." Tim answers. "Cause I think you owe Adam an apology also."

"For what?" Chris asks as anger flashes across his face.

Chance takes Austin by the arm and pulls him back out of the line of fire.

"For the sh*t you said last night. I don't want your f*cking apology for what you said to me but the least you can do is apologize to your brother." Tim says. "And then to top it off, you were just going to slip out without saying goodbye to Adam? That's some messed up sh*t right there."

"I thought it would be for the best." Chris says, crossing his arms across his chest.

"For who? You?" Tim asks with a raised brow. "Once again, you're only thinking about yourself and not how it affects Adam. As for the rest of us, we were fine before you came and we'll be fine once you're gone."

"D*mn straight." Austin adds.

"You got anything to say or are you going to let your blind boyfriend do your talking for you?" Chris says as he turns to Adam.

Adam steps pass Chris to give Nate a hug. "It was good seeing you again, Nate. I wish you well on your job."

"Thank you, Adam." Nate smiles as he hugs the blonde.

"Tim, Baby, you want a beer?" Adam asks as he heads to the kitchen leaving a stunned Chris standing by the door.

"It was a pleasure meeting you guys." Nate says as he shakes Austin, Chance and Rob's hands. "Tim?" He says as he reaches out to take the blind man's hand to shake. In a lower voice he adds, "Ms. Betty would have been proud of you just now."

"Thank you, Nate." Tim smiles through his anger with Chris. "And good luck."

"Thanks." Nate says as he pats Satchmo on the head before turning toward the door and picking up some of their suitcases. "Let's go."

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