Chapter 22

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"Then dark beer it is." Jenika smiles, ignoring the jealous remark. She's been working in this bar for two years and has learned how to tune out the jealous girlfriends'/boyfriends' remarks. She's just doing her job and has learned that a little flirting or being extra friendly also means good tips.

"Whoa, Bro." Chris chuckles after the waitress walks away. "Turn down the jealousy dial a little bit."

"Well, I don't appreciate her calling my boyfriend handsome." Adam answers as he fidgets with a napkin that was on the table.

"What? Am I not handsome?" Tim asks, raising a brow with a smirk on his face.

"You're beautiful, Tim." Austin laughs.

"Gorgeous." Chance signs with Austin's interpretation.

"Sexy." Rob chuckles.

"Okay, guys. Stop flirting with my boyfriend." Adam laughs.

"No, don't stop." Tim laughs. 

"Here ya go." Jenika smiles as she places their drinks on the table. "Kelsey said to give you guys the royal treatment."

She also places bowls of pretzels and nuts on the table.

"Thank you." Chris smiles as he reaches for a pretzel.

"Do you need me to pour you a glass of beer?" Adam asks.

"Please do." Tim nods with a smile. "It might not look to nice for me to stick my finger in the glass to see if it's full in public."

"The music must be extremely loud." Austin says. "I can actually feel the vibrations from it."

"In that case, would you like to dance?" Chance asks with a smile. Austin looks around at the dance floor before answering. He and Chance has slow danced many times in their room but he wasn't too sure about dancing to a fast song. 

"I'd love to." He answers when he sees the other couples on the dance floor slow dancing.

"How long has those two been a couple?" Nate asks as he watches the couple walk away holding hands.

"About five years, so they say." Rob answers.

"That we know of." Tim adds. "Chance has been at the house for eight years and Austin for seven. They had an undeniable chemistry immediately. They became public to us five years ago. But truthfully, I think something was going on before then."

"It just amazes me how well they communicate." Adam says. 

Kelsey rejoins the guys and brings a large platter of hot wings with her. They feast on the wings and drank several pitches of beer. Laughing, talking and having a good time.

Chance and Austin had disappeared into the arcade that they had stumbled across.

Tim had had a few drinks and was beginning to relax from the paranoia he was feeling when they first came in.

"Hey." He says as he reaches for Adam's hand. A slow song had begun to play over the speakers. "Would you like to dance?"

"Really? Of course, I would love to." Adam smiles.

They stand from the table and Adam leads the way to the dance floor.

"I didn't know you could dance." Adam says as Tim slides his arms around his waist.

"Of course, I can dance." Tim smiles as he pulls Adam closer. "Just make sure we don't run into anybody."

"Can you fast dance?" Adam asks as he puts his arms around Tim's neck.

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