Chapter 23

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"Need some company? You're looking awfully lonely sitting here all by yourself." A female says as she sits down on the stool beside Tim.

"There's just not a lot in an arcade that interest a person who can't see." Tim says as he takes a drink of his beer.

"Awww, I'm sorry." She says as she leans closer and rubs him on the leg. "It's sad to think that those beautiful brown eyes can't see."

"Well, that's life." Tim says as he shifts uncomfortably on his stool.

"You know.." She says as she runs a finger up and down his leg. "I can think of several things that might interest you. Wanna come back to my place?"

"Uh, no." Tim shakes his head. "Here's something that may interest you. I'm gay and I have a boyfriend."

"Well, if he's here, he must be more interested in the games than he is you." She says and then leans closer to Tim's ear and whispers. "And as for being gay? I can reform you."


"Hey, Blondie?" Jenika says as she walks up to Adam. She was carrying a tray of drinks. He was watching Chance and Rob battle in a game of Guitar Hero.

"Yeah." He answers even though his eyes are still glued to the game.

"Uh, I believe someone is trespassing on your property." She says.

"What?" Adam asks as he looks around at the barmaid. She nods her head toward the bar.

Adam sees a young girl, probably in her late teens or early twenties, with bright red hair. The dress she was wearing definitely didn't take a lot of material to make. She was leaning into a very uncomfortable looking Tim. And her hand was high up on his leg.

"Yo, Kelsey." Jenika calls out. "Look who's back."

"Oh, Hell no." Adam and Kelsey both say as they begin to make their way through the crowd toward the bar.

"For real though." Tim says as he attempts to push her hand off his leg. "I'm not interested."

"Oh, Sweetie, I can make you interested." The girl says as she quickly moves her hand to his crotch.

"OH, F*CK!" Tim yells as he grabs her hand.

"That's exactly what I had in mind." The girl giggles as she gives a hard squeeze.

"GET YOUR SCANKY HANDS OFF MY BOYFRIEND!" Adam shouts as he pushes the girl away from Tim almost causing her to fall off her stool.

"Oh, thank you, Jesus." Tim groans as he lays his head on the bar.

"Hey! Watch it, Buddy!" The redhead says as she jumps up from her stool.

"Jessie, I've already had you removed here once for soliciting." Kelsey says as she motions for a bouncer.

"I only came in for a drink but then I saw this gorgeous man all alone." Jessie says with a smirk. "Couldn't help myself."

"I told you that I wasn't alone." Tim says as he raises his head from the bar. "And that I was with my boyfriend."

"Yeah and I told you that he must have cared more for playing games than being with you." The girl says in a cocky manner.

Her comment was like a slap in the face for Adam. Was he, indeed, neglecting Tim? Was he being insensitive to the fact that Tim could not join in on playing games because of his blindness?

The bouncer grabs the girl by the arm and begins to pull her toward the front door.

"IF YOU GET LONELY, BROWN EYES, JUST LOOK ME UP!" She yells as she is being pulled away. "JESS IS MY NAME AND SATISFYING MEN IS MY GAME!" She laughs as she is shoved outside.

"Baby, I am so sorry." Adam says as he lays his head on Tim's shoulder.

"What are you sorry for?" Tim asks as he reaches up and rubs his lover's cheek.

"For neglecting you. I should have been more considerate." Adam says as he sits down next to Tim at the bar.

"I can't ask you to stop living, to stop having fun, to stop doing things that you love to do just because I'm not able to join in." Tim says, shaking his head. "Through all the noise in here, I could easily pick up on your voice. Your laughter. And it makes me smile to know that you are having fun."

"But you're not having any fun." Adam says as he takes Tim by the hand.

"Who says I'm not? I have a beer. I'm sitting down which is one of my favorite things to do." Tim says with a smile. "I can hear the ballgame on the t.v. above the bar and the Astros are ahead four to nothing, the bottom of the eighth. And on top of all that, I hear your beautiful laughter."

"I thought you didn't like sports?" Adam says as he glances up at the game.

"Oh, I love sports, just don't want the others to know that. Rob lives and breaths sports. That's all he wants to talk about." Tim chuckles. "I usually go to my room and turn the radio on and listen to the game while I read. I can't see the game so I have to depend on listening to know what's going on. I can't very well do that with Rob screaming and yelling."

"So who are your favorite teams?" Adam asks as he orders them some more drinks. "Besides the Astros that is."

"Astros in baseball and the Cowboys in football. I'm not much into basketball." Tim answers.

"Mine are the Twins and Vikings." Adam smiles.

"I guess it will be a house divided if my teams go against your teams." Tim chuckles.

"Yep, a full-blown war." Adam laughs as he kisses Tim's cheek.

"You know, Sweetheart, you don't have to sit here and babysit me." Tim says. "You can go play the games. I really don't mind at all."

"Are you kidding? And leave my gorgeous man sitting here alone? I've learned my lesson." Adam says, shaking his head.

"What did she look like?" Tim asks with a smirk.

"She had beautiful long red hair." Adam starts.

"Explain red." Tim says.

"Uh, okay? Imagine a fire or something extremely hot to the touch." Adam says.

"Okay." Tim nods.

"She was very young. I would say late teens or early twenties. Very pretty and a shapely body. Her dress didn't cover very much if you know what I mean." Adam says with a slight eye roll.

"Wow." Tim smiles. "Maybe I do look pretty good sitting here alone. You sure you don't want to go and play some games with the others?"

"Positive. You trying to get rid of me, Mr. Foust?" Adam asks with raised brows.

"Not in a million years, Mr. Rupp." Tim smiles.


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