Chp. 5

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I wake up in the white bed I fell on. I was hoping it was all a dream and Ansel would be making pancakes for us. But no. I'm still stuck here. I didn't want to get up but I went over to the closet. It was fairly big with a lot of clothes inside. I put on high waisted shorts, a white tank top that says LA on it and galaxy vans and walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Theo says with a smile.

"Hi." I answer back and sit down and eat the, of course pancakes.

When I was in the middle of eating I hear Arrival Of The Birds playing from Theo and I instantly knew it was my phone signaling Andrea was calling.

I run over to Theo and jump on his back to get my phone. We wrestled douche I suddenly fell on the couch with him on top of me. I looked into his eyes, the complete opposite of mine. We were in this position for who knows how much longer when I grab my phone and answer it.

"Andrea!" I scream into as Theo stands next to me.

"Skylar oh my God where are you?" She asks.

"Maryland." I say as Theo takes the phone and hangs up.

"Theo what the hell?!" I scream storming to my room.

"You can't hide in there forever." He says as he comes in and drags me out.

"I could. Probably am going to since I'm stuck with you!" I yell.

"Just shit your mouth and get into the car." He says and I do. Well not the trunk this time.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Don't ask questions and look out the window." Theo says.

"Oh yeah that's entertaining." I say.

"Skylar could you please corporate for once?" He asks.

"Fine." I say and shut up and look out the window.

Hey guys sorry if it kinda short but yeah. I wanna take time with their romance part cos I feel as if things are always rushed in my stories so imma take my time. Please vote and leave feedback it would be awesome:)

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