Chp. 34

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Somebody New ~ Joywave


Skylar's POV

The plane ride was mainly silence and awkwardness. Neither of us said a word and I couldn't even look at him. I tried to fall asleep with my headphones in but it wasn't working so I just sat there pretending to be asleep. He had told me we drove here but i convinced him to just take a plane back.

When the plane landed and when we went to get our baggage people were surronding us. Cameras flashed in my face, questions thrown in my face. Jordan grabbed my wrist and helped me through the crowd. We finally found a clearing and ran to the baggage claim. By the time we got there I was out of breath.

"Thanks for that." I say and go to grab my suitcase.

"I warned you it would be bad." He says.

"Is it because of what I said to you at the station?" I ask as we walk out.

"Yeah. It is." He says and I sigh. "I'm sorry." He finishes.

"I should be the one apologizing. I probably made your life a living hell the past week." I say as we get into the car and drive off in the direction of me and Ansel's condo.

"It was better than being here in all the chaos." He laughs as do I.

The rest of the ride is pretty much silence. Which is only about 10 minutes before we arrive back to my place. I get out of the car and stare at the sight for a while. It feels like forever since I've been here but I was probably here beofre we left. I hear Jordan come up behind me with my suitcase. I figured I didn't have a key so I took the extra one hiding in the plant next to our door. I walk in and everything is almost the same as it was before I was taken.

I hear music coming from Ansel's weight room assuming he's in there but Jordan's face says differently.

"Is he not supposed to be here?" I ask.

"No one is supposed to be here that I know of." He says as he starts to walk toward the room.

I walk ahead of him in case it woul be someone I knew that would be here. I open to the door to hear Joywave blasting through the speakers and someone doing pull-ups.

"I'm sorry but you do know that people live here." I shout as he turns around and my eyes go wide.

"Sorry, Ansel said it was okay that I stay here." Austin says.

"Doesn't mean I do." I snap.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"She regained her memory but doesn't remember what happened when she lost it." Jordan says for me.

"Damn." Austin whispers.

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"Because I was there for you every damn day at the hospital!" He yells at me.

"You were?" I ask.

"Yes! I was! And yes you were angry when you saw me ut not as angry as you are now!" He yells steppibng closer.

"Austin calm down." I tell him.

I hear the doorbell ring from downstairs twice as I just look at him and eventually go down to the door.  I open the door and stand there frozen.

"Hey Sky."

Hmmm who could it be I wonder??? Lol y'all should know! So I will be on vaction this weekend for a wedding and I don't get signal so I will not be able to update till next MOONDAY!!!!! So please vote comment all that.


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