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I look to my right and see he is asleep. I roll my eyes. finally! I quietly get out of his bed and go back to my the attic. This is where I was put when they found me. 

I was light on my feet as I walked out of his bedroom. I made sure I made no noise so than people won't wake up. I looked at the clock on the wall of the hallway. It was around midnight. I cringed. I was two hours late. I usually get off at around ten so than he wouldn't freak out and think something happened to me. 

As I entered my room, the attic. I looked around. There wasn't much, but it was enough to get by. the roof of the room was angled into a triangle, meeting in the middle. But it was pretty high. The room itself was quite big, but there were major problems to it. The roof leaked...alot. We would have to sleep under some plastic bags I tied together so than we wouldn't get wet and sick. We would have to be careful with walking around in it because some of the floorboards are rotting, so it would be dangerous. In the corner there was a sink, a cupboard with a little bit of food as well as some clothes since we had no where else to put it. We had a big metal tub for our baths. We are not allowed to use the main bathrooms. But sometimes when no body is home. We would sneak into some of the guest rooms and use their ensuites. There was an old double bed in the middle of the room, where he was sleeping. 

I sighed, I was exhausted. I made my way to the bed and pulled the covers over. I quietly laid down so than I wouldn't wake him. I looked at him sleeping and smiled. My strong man. I cuddled closer to him and I felt myself finally relax. I took a deep breath and slowly drifted off. 


I woke up in the early morning. I looked up towards the window and saw it was about an hour before sunrise. My usual wake up time. I turned over to my man, and shook him awake slightly. 

"Baby, wake up. Let's start the day!" I said cheerfully. 

I saw him role over on his back and opened his eyes slowly. He still looked so sleepy. He rubbed his eyes and said, "Mommy, can I please sleep for a little bit longer?"

I ran my fingers through his long hair and smiled, "I'm sorry baba, but you can't you know the rules. Mommy has to get you ready before she has go to work and you have to do some school work too. 

He frowned, but then his eyes suddenly brightened, "Mommy! I will be five years old in three sleeps!"

"You know what? You are totally right baba. You are almost a grown man." He puffed his chest out and smiled. "Okay come one! It's time for our exercises!"

Because we are not allowed out of this attic, much, I make up random exercises so than he isn't unhealthy or weak.

After our exercise, with my hand I motioned for him to me, "Come on. It's time for our baths."

He raised his small arms so than I could take off his shirt. When he was fully butt naked I lifted him up and put him in the bath. I started to take off my own clothing and sat in the bath as well. I know it must seem strange that I do this, but what else could I do? My son is allowed out of this room once a month when the whole pack goes out on their moonlight runs. Only then is he allowed out. Other than that, he has known nothing else ever since he was born. We are trapped here and there is no one to save us. But it is my responsibility to care for him, keep him safe and sound, to be his mother. That is why everything I do is necessary because it is all for him. So than he will be okay. If I don't keep him safe and away from the people of the pack...the Alpha will come, and he will take my son from me. But I am not going to let that happen. Not now...and not ever.

We both wash ourselves in the warm water. Once we are done. We both change. I get into my uniform and he get's into one of his clothes. His clothes were all second hand. They are either too big or too small. Most of them are big. But at least they are clothes none the less. 

As I sat down on the bed to put my slip on flats on, he came to me and stood right in front of me. His  brows furrowed and his eyes sad, "Can I play outside with the other kids mama?"

I looked down and sighed. I took both of his hands in mine, "Milo, we've talked about this. We have to wait here so than we don't get in trouble. Old Ken won't give us any presents anymore if we leave, remember? Do you still want presents?"

He slowly nodded, "But...I hear the other kids. They have fun. Why am I not allowed to be with them?"

It broke my heart to see him this way. And it made me angry knowing it was all of his fault. "Because baba, you know how we can go out once a while to play when no one is there?"

He nodded his head, trying to understand. 

"Well that's what they are doing. Today is their day to play. Then they go back to their rooms like us. And then it's your turn to play outside."

I know how hard it is for him to be here. He has only known this room for five years, except the occasional outing. I tell him things to protect him because if he knew what he was missing out on...he would go crazy and I can't do that to him. so I try my best to make him happy here so than I can keep him safe from Ken. 

I pull on his arms towards me. I hold him to my chest. He wraps his tiny little arms around me and grab a hold of my dress from the back, trying to get as close to me as possible. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel the tears building. I hate that we are trapped here. I hate that Ken won't let us leave. I hate how Milo doesn't have a normal childhood. I hate how he can't experience beautiful things in the world. And what I hate the most is that he doesn't know his father. 

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