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We had been lying down on the sand, watching the golden ball slowly keep going down. There was a slight breeze in the air, cooling our skin. This was perfect. 

I had my head laid on Soul's chest as I felt his hands running up and down my back. Everything was just so good. 

"You know, I still feel guilt about everything that's happened." Solomon confessed. 

I lifted my head and rested my chin on his chest, "You don't need to, Solo. I've forgiven, I've moved past all of that. You don't need to carry it anymore."

He nodded his head, "I know that. But I think this is my own burden that I carry. Just thinking about what I was like back then, when I was such a bastard to you. I don't think I will ever get over that. I won't even fully forgive myself for what I did." He assured that our eyes met as he said, "I want to let you know, Ayla, that everything I have done in my life so far, every decision was made because I love you," My breath hitched at this confession and my heart ached, in a good way.

He continued, "I will spend the rest of my life building up to being the best mate I could possibly be for you."

I shook my head, "You're already the best mate. I mean, yeah we had our bad moments, but that doesn't mean that you're not a good mate. You are Solomon. That's why I came back to you, that's how I forgave. Because I saw the goodness in you, I saw everything that you've was purely for Milo and I. How could not be the best mate?"

The sun was finally going down under the sea. The last shred of it's golden light hit us brightly. I closed my eyes and soaked it in. 

I opened and looked at Solo, seeing his have been on me this whole time. He cups my cheek and runs his thumb over my cheek, "Beautiful."

I smiled shyly, "I love you, Solo."

He smiles back and says, "And I love you, my little wolf."


Later on we drove back to the camp. We were walking together, hand in hand when a strange smell lingered in the air. 

Solomon immediately halted. I saw him tilt his head, his brows drawn strongly together in concentration. He lifts his head up in the air slowly and his nose wrinkles as he sniffs. A low growl vibrated out of his chest. 

My eyes scanned the area, seeing if anything was our of the ordinary. I gulped and my hand tightened in Solomon's. He returned the gesture. 

"Solomon?" I whispered. 

He pulls my close to him. He let go of my hand and instead wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me against him protectively. 

"Someone is watching us." He whispers. His eyes are intensely looking all over the place. 

I sniffed the air again, and my eyes widen. These were not rogues, "It's Kendrick's pack."

Solomon's growl grew. A rustle in the bushes caught our attention. Two wolves leaped out of them. Solomon tightened his hold on me and pushed me behind him. He snarls at them dominantly. 

The two wolves snarl at Solomon. I wanted to shift, I wanted to change into my wolf. But I couldn't. She was too weak. I had not shifted in almost six years. Kendrick never let me. If I were to shift, it would be equivalent to a first shift, if not worse. 

I was vulnerable. 

"Come on!" Solomon shouted. As they creep towards each other for a fight when a howl sounded in a distance.

The two wolves stilled and their ears perked up. They both glanced at us and snarled before taking off towards the howl. 

I sighed in relief, but that was short lived when Solomon turned to me and said, "I'm going to go follow them."

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