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We had landed. I couldn't believe that I was back after being away for almost a year. As I drive on the country road, it strange to see familiar places. Places that I grew up in. It's so weird. And some how it feels foreign...different. There is change in the air. This place has changed since I've left...or maybe its me. Maybe I'm the one that's changed. I don't see this place as a bad place anymore. I don't think of bad memories, regret, or bad decisions. I some how have forgotten all about the bad. All I see is everything that has made my life better, that's including Solomon. 

I look at the back and see Milo was asleep still. I was nervous. I had called Mia beforehand. She told me they'd moved to the mountains to hide from Kendrick. I told her not to tell anyone that I've come back. I didn't want anyone to know yet. I didn't want them to have this expectation that I have dramatically changed or anything. I didn't want to disappoint anyone. Even though I am definitely better, I'm still messed and I don't want anyone to see me and not be happy. 

I don't know what I'm going to say to Solomon. I don't know what I'll do when I see his face. Just the thought of actually seeing him again made me feel happy, but scared. My wolf inside, she was excited to be reunited with her mate. It's weird, being away from your other half for so long. You do notice that as time of what makes you, you, begins to chip away. And you feel hollow. You try to move on and think everything will be okay, but at the end of day, a wolf cannot survive without their mate. It's physically impossible. You become emotional unstable which is probably why all of my demons decided to smack me in the face, including Kendrick. 

As I drive, the mountain came into view, from a distance, I could see a small glow, they must have lit a fire. I was excited to see everyone again. I'm excited to see Zapora, Mia, Lizzy and even Xander. I'm excited to see the kids again. I'm excited to see Mia's little baby boy....And I think I'm pretty excited to see Solomon.

The thought of being with my gives me hope for some reason. Hope for a good and happy future. I just think about the times when Milo would be asleep and it would just be us two. He would hold me and I will feel total and utter completeness, there will be no room for the broken. 

My hands were shaking as I pulled into the base of the mountain. I climb out of the car and open up the back to wake up Milo. His eyes slowly peal open and he squints them as he slowly wake up. I smile down at him, "Hey Baba, we're back home."

His eyes lit up and climbed out of his seat quickly in excitement. 

"We get to see Papa!"

I nod my head, "Yup! We get to see everyone again."

I grab my sons hand I look up at the mountain. Here we go. 


I took down my tent and walked over to Xander and grab his shoulder, he turns around facing me. I hand him my tent, "Here, give this to anyone who needs it."

Xander grabs my tent without a word, his eyes were on the floor, there was no expression on his face. I smiled sadly and grabbed him on his shoulder, "Don't be sad, big brother, I'll be alright."

Xander gulps and nods his head. I lean and said, "We've done terrible things to each other, we've said terrible things to each other. We've both made big mistakes. But at the end, when it comes down to it, we've always had each other's backs and that's what I've always remembered," I squeeze shoulder and I pull him into a tight hug. I whisper in his ear, "You're a good big brother, Xander. Don't feel like you've failed because you haven't."

Xander finally raises his arms wraps them tightly around me. I knew at this point it was hard for him. He was letting me go. I think he needed to hear what I said. I wanted to release him from any guilt he may still held. I wanted him to be free of every darkness. I wanted him to have a long, long happy life, even if I'm not there.

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