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He's gone. I stood there for a while. I came back here to be with him. And just like doesn't work out.

But it breaks me so much that I may not see him ever again. It breaks me to know that I was too late. If I had run faster. If I had stopped hating him sooner....he would be here.

I felt weak. I'm alone now. I'm all alone. My legs gave way and I fell to my knees. I do not stop the tears running down my face. I do not repress the sobs the burst out of my mouth.

I hold my heart and I cry, "H-he's gone."

I hold my face in my hands and my body shakes from my cries. I felt small hands and arms circle around my neck, "Why didn't Papa come back, Ma?" I raise my head and saw my son. He had tears of his own. His bottom lip quivered as he shakily said, "Couldn't he hear us?"

I pull Milo into me and shook my head, "I don't think so, Milo."

It broke my heart when Milo began to cry. I just held him in my chest as he cried. He kept staring at the boat that floating further and further away from us. 

"But I want my Papa!" He screams, "Papa come back to us! Please!" He cries. 

I don't stop him. I don't try make him be quiet. I couldn't do that to him. He may just have lost his father. 

I heard footsteps near us from behind. I look over my shoulder and saw everyone. They all held sadness in their eyes. But they would never know the loss and sadness that I have. 

Xander stepped forward, "Come on, Ayla. Let's get you back."

I sighed and looked back at the lake, "Good Bye, Solo." I whispered. I stood up on shaky legs. Xander came to my side and helped me walk. Lizzy was on my other side rubbing my back. It was comforting to know they still cared for me. 

I held Milo in my arms. He wasn't crying anymore, but he did have silent tears rolling down his face. I held his head against my chest as we made our way back to their camp site. 


When we finally arrived, I didn't know what to do. I stood there silently with my son. everyone else stood there in front of me. Mia stepped forward and smiled softly at me, "Even though the circumstances suck, I'm happy to see you again, Ayla."

I smiled shakily and nodded my head, "Thank you. I missed you all so much."

Xander had gone to set up my tent. Zay stepped forward and pulled me into a hug, "I hope you're staying here for good."

I nod my head, "I am, if I'm still welcome."

Zay pulls back and said, "Of course you are."

Lizzy came to my side and smiled, "You're a part of this family, Ayla. You are always welcome here. It is your home."

I look around and I realised how many people cared for me. How many people were happy for me. It felt good to know I have people to come back to. 

Xander came and said, "Your tent is ready."

I smiled and said, "Thank you."

Xander stood there for a moment...but then, he stepped forward and pulled me into a hug too, "I can bring him for you, Ayla. If he knew you were here, he wouldn't have left."

I shook my head, "Don't. He's finally had a chance to move on, I think I should let him."

Xander steps back, "Well then, if you ever need anything, come to me. I'll sort it out for you." And then he left a long with LIzzy.

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