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Everyone was in shock. I couldn't move as I looked at this little boy. How could this be? It's impossible. 

The boy still had tears in his eyes as he looked at me as if I was his hope. I slowly took a step forward, "Are you sure I'm your Papa, boy?" I asked firmly. 

He nodded and hiccuped, "Yes, Ma told me." That doesn't mean anything. This kid may not even be my son. Ayla probably has had other partners. This pup could be any males.

"She said," the boy continued, "Ma kept this. She said you gave it to her." He pulled out a necklace. But it wasn't just a necklace, it was a locket. My heart was beating hard against my chest, "She gave it me so then I knew what my Pa looked like."

"You're my son," I whispered very quietly. I was in pure shock. I had a son. This whole time I had a son. 

I walked towards him and kneeled down in front of him. His nose and cheeks were pink. 

"Hi Pa, my name is Milo." My boy whispered to me. My heart was sore. I had a son. I had a son. I had a son. 

"Hi, Milo." I couldn't speak properly. I just couldn't believe that I had another part of me living all this time, "How old are you?" I asked with a strained voice. 

He held up his hand, "Five. I'm almost a big wolf, like you."

I felt tears sting my eyes, but I blink them away. I smiled at him, "You are a big boy, aren't ya." As I stared at him, I realized he looked just like me. He looked like me when I was his age. The only difference was that he had curly hair. Ayla had that when she was little. 

Milo smiled back at me, "Yeah, I wanted to grow big and strong so then I could take care of Ma and protect her."

That's when I was snapped out of the moment. Ayla. I put both of my hands on his shoulders gently, "Milo, I want you to tell me everything, okay? Why is Mama in trouble?"

Suddenly Milo looked scared and shook his head. He took my hand was trying to pull me out the door in a panic, "Oh no! I forgot! We have to go to Ma! We have to go and save her! She's in a lot of trouble Papa!"

"Hold up, wait a minute. I can't help Ma, if you don't tell me whats going on."

Milo began to cry, "NO!" He screamed. My eyes widened at his outburst, "We have to go to Ma! Or else I won't be able to see her ever again!"

I didn't know what to do with his outburst. I'm not a father, I mean I am, but I've never had to act like one before. 

Zapora suddenly came along and kneeled in front of Milo. She smiled sweetly, "Hi, Milo. I'm your Aunty. Do you know what that is?"

He shook his head. 

"It means I'm your Papa's sister. I was best friends with your Ma."

He sniffled, "You knew my Ma?"

Zapora nodded her head, "Yup! I sure did. I know you're scared, Milo. But your Ma would want you to listen to your Pa right now, Okay? We are going to save your Ma. But we are going to have to ask you questions, okay? And you can answer however way you like. Do you understand what I'm saying, Milo?"

He silently nods his head. 

She smiles brightly, "That's good." Zay looked back up at me and nodded her head. 

Milo walked through all of us and sat on the couch comfortably. He is so small. Even though he had an intense outburst, I couldn't help but feel pride in the fact he so wants to protect his mother. 

I went and sat down on a chair as well as everyone else. Everyone had settled down and was now prepared to listen to my son. 

"Milo, where have you been living all this time?" I asked softly. 

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