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We have been at this camp for a while now. Xander doesn't think it is safe for us to go back to our pack grounds yet. It's safer for us to be in a place where they don't know where we are. It gives us time to train and prepare for what is to come. 

I've been keeping myself busy. I would volunteer for everything so than it keeps my mind busy. Even though I have accepted that Ayla may never come back, but it hasn't stopped be from always having her on my mind. 

I was currently on patrol. Through the weeks I noticed that the land is slowly being sprinkled by the white cold substance that comes every year. The snow. It seems that whenever we have a's always snowing. I walk around the place, keeping an eye out for anything out of the blue...or more in this case...out of the white. 

We have had no contact with Kendrick for a while and it's making everyone nervous. We have all become paranoid at the fact that Kendrick may have found our location. 

Xander says that we may have to move to a more secluded sight if that is the case. 

As I was walking around, I found myself at the river. It was frozen solid. I looked at the place blanketed in white, when a something stood out from the snow. I frowned. I quietly stepped forward and laid low to watch. The thing wasn't moving. I decided to go in closer to get a better look. 

Blonde hair was flared out on the snow. My eye widen in fright. I sprint towards her and skidded to my knees to a stop. I hold her on her shoulders, feeling her shaking form.

"Lily?" I said loudly. My niece was half frozen in the snow, completely drenched. She was shaking violently. Her eyes were half closed and were also quite dazed. I take my shirt off and pulled it over her head. I pick her up and pressed her into my chest. Her small body burled into a ball, trying to get as much warmth as she could. 

I heard her whimpering. I rubbed up and down her arms fast generate heat, "Ssshhh, it's okay Lil, it's okay. You're going to be just fine. Uncle Soul is here."

She seemed to be drifted in and out of consciousness. I looked to the river and saw there was a broken hole. She must have wondered off and fell through. 

I stood up and my feet and jogged back to the camp. I whispered sweet words in her ear, hoping she could hear. 

"Zeus..." She whispered under her breath and she was completely unconsciounce. As she wasn't waking up, panick formed in my chest. I went from jogging to full out sprinting back to the camp.

As I could start to see the familiar tents and fires, I was relieved. I saw people staring at me confused. Zapora was stirring a put over a fire with her small baby bump. When she heard me coming she raised her head. Blood drained from her face as she saw her little daughter frozen in my arms. She yelped in fright at the sight of her little girl unconsciouns. I stopped in front of Zapora and laid Little Lily in front of the fire. Zay fell to her knees and gathered her daughter in her arms, "What happened!?" She shouted.

"I found her drenched and freezing in the snow," I said breathlessly. 

Eddie came walking to see what all the commotion was about. When he saw his mate holding their daughter, he came running and fell to his knees. Zapora gave Lily to Eddie, hoping he could heat her up more quickly. Zay had tears streaming down her face, "Please wake up, please wake up!" She sobbed. Eddie was trying to be calm, but I could see he was internally panicing. 

I gulped and took a step back, "I think she wondered off on the ice, and she fell through."

Eddie took Lily's wet clothes off, leaving her in her little shorts and singlet. And then he wrapped a big fury blanket around her, and held her tighter against his naked chest, hoping to warm up his little girl. 

I could see tears were glistening in his eyes as he held his daughter because Lily wasn't getting warm. Nothing was working. 

Mia came rushing in with her pregnant belly, Noah following closely behind in worry. Lily was always his favourite. She was so delicate, gentle and kind. Noah stood there tensed while Mia was trying her best to help. 

She felt her temperature and her eyes widened. She turned to be and said, "Go get more wood. We have to keep the fire burning for her. Get a lot of wood."

I nodded my head and turned to leave. I heard footsteps behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Noah, Lincoln, and Isaac (Noah's little brother) following me. "We want to help." Noah informed. 

I nodded my head. We had to keep the fire burning for Lily. 


It's been a couple of hours. The fire was roaring in flames, but it was still not warming up Lily. I frowned at this. Why is she not warming up? Whatever we did, she wouldn't get warm. She was like ice to the touch. Even her hair has ice forming through it. Mia was trying to help, but nothing was working. 

We also moved the tent closer to the fire, in hopes something would happen. As we all gathered and waited, one of the patrolling guards came sprinting through. His eyes full of fear as he said breathlessly, "There's an army heading towards us from the north west side of the camp!"

Xander stood up wide eyed as he started to shout order to everyone. All the people of the pack were rushing around, preparing. All of the warriors immediately gathered towards the north west side and prepared to fight. 

All the women and children were to gather in the tents furthest from the battle. I looked over my shoulder and saw Eddie whispering to a crying Zapora. He gave a knife to Zay and she was nodding her head as he spoke. He made eye contact with me and gave me a nod, indicating he was ready. And then we both sprinted off for battle. 

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