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I was preparing myself. I was packing all of my things and I've been training extra hard. I am going away. I am going to England. Xander had a mission and I volunteered. We are allies with the most powerful pack in England. They are looking for newer and better training programs to make their warriors stronger. I volunteered to train them, however, in exchange, I will bring back a select few to aid us in our war. It was a fair deal that benefited both parties. 

"Hey there."

I was on my knees trying to find some things when I heard a voice. I looked over my shoulder and smiled. 

"Hey little Lily."

She smiled but did not look at me. She just looked ahead into nothingness. 

"Watcha doing Uncle?" She asks in her soft voice. She reaches her hand out to try and find me. I grab a hold of her and gently pulled her inside my tent. 

"I am just trying to find a book of mine, what're you doing?"

She shrugs, "I've just finished my brail lesson."

"Well, that's cool! Now you can start to read books. You won't be so bored anymore."

She bows her head and sighs, "I guess."

I could see she was struggling. She's been blind for a couple of months now. When she first woke up, she cried and cried. She was cry because she couldn't see her mother or father's faces. She couldn't see all the beautiful views anymore. She couldn't see anything.

I release my own sigh. I pull Lily into my lap, she sniffles and tucks her head into my neck.

"Hey, no crying."

"But I want to see so bad, Uncle Soul!"

"I know, I know Lily. It's hard, I understand. But you are part of one of the strongest packs in the world. And you know what else?"

She shakes her head. "You may be your father's daughter, but you are also your mother's daughter too. You are a Nightwalker. You are strong and fierce. You look at this challenge in the eye and you overcome it."

Her face scrunches up into a frown,"But it's so hard!"

"I know it is. It is hard, but you are stronger than this. You are better."

"But people say I'm so soft and gentle, how can I be strong?"

"Being soft and gentle is an insanely strong thing, Lily! People harden their hearts, they become numb, they become angry, but someone who keeps their softness, their gentleness is stronger than all of them, because they have not let the darkness inside of them. You are strong Lily. You are a she-wolf of this pack. Do you understand me?"

Lily's eyes were concentrated on mine, though she cannot see, and she was hooked on every single word I was saying. She nodded her head firmly.

I smile and pull her in for a hug, "You're my favorite niece by the way."

She giggles, "Thanks uncle Soul. You made me feel much better."

I pat her head, "Anytime little Lily."

She climbs off my lap and stands up, "Where is Milo? I miss him."

I miss him too. I miss him like crazy. "He's with his mother. They have to go away for their safety. It's best if they're not here."

Lily nods understandingly, "Well, I can't wait for the day I see them!"

I chuckle without humor, "You and me both, kiddo."

Lily walks out of my tent, leaving me to my thoughts. I rub my eyes. I'm tired. I've been tired for the last ten months they've been gone. I just feel like I can't function properly without them, but I've learned to move on. 

I guess that's all I can do. I can't force anything on her. And at the end of the day, this is all my fault and I've accepted that for a long time. I guess I just gotta keep moving and live with the consequences. 


Milo was squirming in his seat, he was so excited. He just kept smiling as he stared at people. Me, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. My anxiety was through the roof. I lean back in my chair and take a deep breath. I hope I'm doing the right thing. I look out the window and saw the clouds, the sun was setting, making the sky look like a glorious and colorful painting. 

"Would you like a blanket, Miss?" I look up at the air hostess. She was smiling down at me politely waiting for my answer. 

I smile back and shake my head, "No thank you, but Milo, do you want one?"

My son nodded his head. I don't know what I'm doing. It's been two months since that night of the hoodie, the night I met that man and he laid it out for me straight. Ever since then, I haven't felt so angry or negative. I've actually kind of felt at peace with Solomon. I was hoping that when I do see him that, that will be the case. When I look at him, face to face, I won't feel hate or anger anymore. I'm tired of hating him, I'm tired of fighting him while fighting my past. I shake my head. I am so stupid, I should've stayed and let him help me. I should have let him love me. 

But maybe I was supposed to be away. Maybe it was supposed to help me see from a different perspective. 

I leaned back in my seat and looked up at the roof of the plane as if I was searching for someone up there for comfort. Please let everything work out. 

I look out the window and saw land slowly coming towards me, or more like me slowly moving towards the land. I gulped. We began to fly over the country. Woods as far as the eyes can see. My home. And where Solomon is right now.

I look down at my son, my baby boy. He's been so good. It's strange. I've hardly thought about the times where I was trapped with Kendrick. I've kind of forgotten about the struggles I went through.

"Hey Milo?" I softly say to him.

He looks up at me with his big Brown eyes filled with excitement, "Yes Mama?"

"You excited?"

His face broke out into a giant smile. His mouth stretching from ear to ear. He nods his head vigorously, "Yes! I'm so excited to see Pa again! I've missed him so much!"

This just makes me fee worse. I'm a terrible mother. I've kept my child from his father. A father he needs. I groan. I've messed up.

"I still miss the Attic and Lamp tho."

My eyes raised in surprise. He hasn't talked about Lamp the whole time we lived in Italy, "Why do you say that?"

Milo shrugs his shoulders, "Because he's my best friend."

I nod my head, "Have you ever gotten mad at Lamp?" I asked.

"Yeah, he didn't turn on once, and I was really scared in the dark. I was very angry at him. I didn't talk to him for a WHOLE hour."

I smiled slightly in amusement. An hour is like a whole day to a child. "And then what happened?"

Milo began to play with his toy when he said, "I forgave Lamp."

I frowned in confusion, "But why?"

Then Milo casually says, "Because he said he was sorry. And he's still my best friend."

Wow, my own child is even wiser than me. I'm amazed at him. He is one awesome kid. I lean in and kiss his cheek, "I love you so much, Milo."

He stops playing and turns to me to smile, "I love you too, Ma."

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