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A/N: Teresa Palmer is Ayla.


As I was walking out of the door to take the trash out, I look over the area. There were guards all around everywhere. I don't know how I will get Milo out of this place. it was kind of like a prison. no one could get out, least of all Milo. 

I went towards the rubbish truck and shucked the bags inside. I bang on the back to indicate that they can leave now. I watch the truck leave to the next pack. 

I went back inside of the house when I gasped. I know! I rushed back outside and stared at the truck. It passed right through the guards. They didn't even check it. My heart was beating with excitement. Milo could ride in that truck to the Blood Moon Pack. I could put him in a rubbish or something. Chuck him in the pack and then he can get out and find his father.

He will leave tomorrow morning when the truck comes back. I felt hope for my pup. I could feel my wolf become content with the fact that by this time tomorrow, Milo will be free. And so will my own way. 


I walked to the lounge when I saw Sophie, "Hey Sophie, I was wondering where I could find some extra blankets?"

She looked up from her phone and smiled, "Check the guest bedroom, should be some there."

I nod my head, "Thanks!" I walked down the hall and entered the guest room. It was so clean and the windows were so clear. I opened the closet and took a pile of blankets. Before I left I walked to the window. I looked out into the open where I could see the pack members going about their daily deeds. All this will be mine soon. I have to be a good Alpha.

As I turned to leave, I stopped. Something caught my nose a scent. I turned back towards the window and stared around it. It smelled of something. I dropped all the blankets and took a step closer. I touched the window curiously. I leaned my head in and took a deep whiff. I stumbled backward in shock. My eyes widen and my heartbeat increased. It can't be...can it? I was so confused. How could this be? I took another deep inhale of the scent and was instantly hit with memories. It was familiar. It was comforting. It was hope. It was Ayla. I caught the scent of my lost mate. She's here somewhere. 

I turn and sprint out of the room, completely forgetting anything about the blankets. My mate was near. I felt my wolf spirit lighten in excitement. It could sense our mate. She's here in this pack somewhere. 

I never thought would smell that scent ever again. It was beautiful. It smelt like vanilla with a hint of spice. It was just amazing. 


I was waiting in the school carpark for Ayla. I had our two coffees in hand. I looked at the entrance of the park and saw she was walking in with a hoodie and hair in a ponytail. She walks up to me and greets me with her usual perfect smile. 

"Good morning, Solo."

I give her, her Chai Latte with extra cinnamon, "Good mornin. Why are you all smiling."

She shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, I just woke up feeling happy today."

I raise my one brow in question, "You're never happy when you come to school. You always say its the high school WITHOUT the musical."

She laughs, "I know! It's so weird. I just feel...positive. Maybe something good will happen today?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Maybe...anyways. I am not positive, so can we please just go to class and get this day over with?"

She rolls her eyes, but smirks, "Alright, grumpy ass...let's go!" She says cheerfully and I groan. This is going to be a long day. 

It was finally lunch time. I went to the cafeteria and sat at my and Ayla's usual spot. I was flicking on my phone while waiting for her. As I was waiting...I was thinking. She has been my best friend for a while now. Ever since Xander was gone...I wasn't myself...and I'm still not myself. But when I met Ayla, she changed everything. She was always so happy and so bright. Being around her instantly lightened my mood. She just radiates happiness. It's contagious. You can't help but be the same. She made me more again.

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