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I followed Xander who was holding Solomon. My mate never let my hand go as we rushed him to a bed. 

We laid him down as he groaned in pain. I hated seeing him like this, I hate what they did to him. I sat at his side holding his hand. Tears welled up in my eyes again, a cupped his beaten face and whimpered, "No, Solo. Look at your face. Oh no."

Solomon chuckles, but winces straight after. He places his hand over mine and said, "It's not very comforting to see my mate crying and saying, 'look at your face! look at your face!'"

I laugh through my tears, "I'm sorry. It's just, I hate that they did this to you."

"You can go for a little while, Ayla. I'll get him cleaned up." Xander said. 

I shook my head and firmly said, "No."

"No?" Xander questioned. 

I shook my head again, "No. He is my mate. Which means it is my duty to take care of him. I'll do it."

Solomon's eyes glowed with adoration. I wanted him to know that I am taking our relationship seriously. That I am in with both feet. 

Xander nods his head and leaves, but not without me seeing a little glimpse of pride. I think he was proud of me. It felt good. It was almost like a big brother being proud of you. It made me feel like I was doing right. 

"I'll be right back," I told Soul. I got up and went to get a bucket of water with some towels and clothes. I came back and sat on my knees. 

"Let's roll you on your stomach, and start with your back."

He nods his head. I help him slowly move unto his stomach. It pained me to see him groan in pain. When he was on his stomach, I had a good view of his back. It felt like daggers were stabbing my heart when I saw the mess. 

I just sat there and stared for a moment. It was so cruel. He had slashes literally everywhere. There was no untouched skin anywhere. There was just blood and flesh. And at the top on his shoulder, there was a big K carved into his skin. Kendrick. My body heated with anger. 

I didn't want to touch it in fear of hurting Solomon more. But then, I felt him hold my hand. I looked at him and he looked at me tiredly, but he softly nodded his head, giving me permission to do what I have to do to help him. 

I grabbed the wet cloth, and as gently as I could, started to clean his wounds. His back tensed at contact, but he did not make any sounds. I was trying my hardest not to cry again. He needed me, I can't be going off all emotional right now. 

I took the reigns on my emotions and cleaned. The dried blood was wiped away easily enough. And now for the scary bit, the antiseptic. 

"Solomon, I'm going to put put the cream on now, not gonna lie, this is going to hurt real bad."

Solomon took a deep breath and nodded his head. He grabbed a piece of material and put it in his mouth to bite down on. He took one last deep breath before I placed the cream on his back. Solomon growled, "Fuck!" I winced. He yelled out in pain as I started to gently spread the cream over his back. Solomon held the material of the bed in his fist tightly. 

Once I was done with the back I sat back and released a long held breath, "Well...your back is done."

Solomon chuckled, but without humor. He was anticipating the next wave of pain that will come. 

I continued on the same process over his stomach and chest, then wrapped them in long white bandages. He laid resting on his pack, breathing and out deeply. I lean in and kiss his forehead, "There, the worst the is over." He opened his eyes, and even through his pain he smiled gently. 

His shaking arms reach out and cupped the back of my head, "Come here, my little wolf." I gladly leaned in and he gave me a soft kiss. 

"I need go tell Xander, some infor-information," He said breathlessly. 

I shook my head, "No. You can do that int he morning. Right now, you need to rest. And besides, we haven't even got to the good part."

He tilted his head with a frown and pursed his lips. 

I smiled. And moved around so than I was sitting behind his head. I grabbed the bucket and with my hands, I wet his hair. I put some shampoo in it and started to massage it. 

Solomon's eyes rolled back in his head and groaned in approval. I giggled and said, "You sure you still want to go see, Xander?"

With his eyes closed he said, "You might be right, I should rest. I'll need my strength in the morning."

"That's what I thought."

Later on when he was completely wrapped up and cleans I grabbed some extra blankets and laid it on top of him, made sure he was totally and utterly comfortable. He laid there while I was lifting the blankets up higher on him when I caught him staring me in amusement. 

"What?" I said defensively.

He chuckles, "It's just I never really seen you fuss over me like this in a long's kinda nice. Feels like old times."

I realised he was right. In the past whenever he was sick I always made sure he had his vitamins, he was resting and also I was always worrying about it. 

I smirked, "Yeah, true. I guess old habits die hard, huh?"

He smirked back and said, "Or you're actually in love with me, and you don't want to see me hurt."

I roll my eyes, but smile, "Yeah, there is that too. I guess I care too much."

Soul shrugs, "It doesn't bother me. Just reminds me of how amazing you are."

I shook my head, "Stop it." I said jokingly. 

He arches his brow cheekily, "What?"

I look at him and raise my brows, "Don't do that. I don't feel like crying anymore. I'm already too damn emotional for my own good."

He smiles brightly and winks at me. Even in his worst state, he knows how to lighten the mood. I stroke my fingers through his hair and said, "Sleep. You need it."

"Not without my good night kiss."

I shake my head, "You're going to be the death of me Solomon Nightwalker." I lean in kiss him goodnight. 

"Stay with me. I won't be able to sleep without you, little wolf."

I laid down next to him, making sure I wasn't touching because I didn't want to hurt him. 

However, he grabs my hand and held it over his chest, right above his heart. I felt him relax under my touch. Soon, his breathing slowly evens out and I knew he had peacefully fallen asleep. My heart melted. 

I leaned in slightly and said, "I love you, Solomon. I love with all my heart." 

And then I closed my eyes.

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