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I wake up from a deep sleep and see that I had slept through my alarm. I groaned and rolled over. That means I will need to get the pickup tonight after everyone is asleep. Every Thursday I would need to wake up way earlier than usual to get a pick up of Vegetables from the Market. All supernaturals come to the market for their own errands. But because I missed the morning market, I will have to go to the night one.

I got up from the bed and looked at my son. He was still fast asleep. He can't stay here. I won't let him. After last night's event...I can't let my son stay here. I can't let him grow up here. In this hell. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I'm going to get my son out of here...even if it is the last thing that I do.

I sat next to his sleeping form. He looked so much like his father...Solomon. He reminds me of him every day, and it pains me. I have been separated from my mate for years. Each day I feel my soul being chipped away a little more. I don't know how long I will last before I completely break. I need to assure Milo's safety and his well-being.

I go and get dress before I wake Milo up. He had a bad night, he deserves to have a little more rest.

As I dress, I can't help, but feel like a failure as a mother. I have stayed in this disgusting place for five years. I could've gotten out...but I think without me knowing, I gave up trying to escape. I part of myself accepted that this was my fate. But that is truly selfish because I have forced my own fate upon my son. I look at him and smile at his messy, wild and Curley brown hair. This is not his fate. This is not his life. This is my life and I will not let my son live in the hell I am. I want him to have a good life, find a mate, have pups and grow old. He needs that life, even if I won't be a part of it. I will die at peace knowing he will be okay.

In that moment, I vowed that before this week is up, my son will be free, the cost may be my life, but it was damn well worth it.

I walk to my baby boy and stroke his hair, "Milo? It's time to wake up baba."

He squints his eyes and groans as he slowly woke up, "Good morning Mama."

I smile at him, "Good Morning my son. I have to go now because I woke up late so mama won't be here to help you with your morning. Are you big boy enough to take care of yourself this time?"

He smiles at me and nods, "I'm a big boy."

I squeeze his shoulder and say, "Good. Mama will be back later to check on your, okay?"

He nods his head silently. I point to my cheek and say, "Are you forgetting something."

Milo giggles. He leans in and kisses my cheek, "Bye mama." My son tells me.


I was in the office looking at some reports from the boarders when a knock sounded at the door. "Come in." I said without looking at the door.

Alpha Kendrick walks in and I have an instant reaction of hate. I wanted to kill this bastard so bad but I can't. The pack is still loyal to him. But once I am fully Alpha and the pack swears an oath of allegiance to me...then I will make a plan for Alpha Kendrick. He has hurt Izzy as well as Mia. Rage builds inside me. He will not survive the month. I'm going to make sure of it

"Hello Soul." He greeted.

"It's Solomon." I said bluntly while staring at the reports.

Kendrick coughs in his hand, "Right. Solomon, I received word that the beta from your old pack has built a house and is celebrating a housewarming party. It has been requested that you be there."

"Then I will go. I cannot miss that."

Kendrick stepped forward, "I am sure it is an important occasion. However, you are sorely needed here and-"

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