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My son and I were sitting at the dock with our rods in the water, waiting. 

The lake was so still, so peaceful. 

I looked down at my son and smirked. He was staring at the water angrily, "Why is the fish not biting yet! This is taking too long!"

"It's all about patience, Milo. If you're patient enough, you'll get a big fish."

He groans, but continues to wait. 

"So are you and Ma aren't fighting anymore?"

I didn't like that he saw his parents always arguing and fighting, saying horrible things to each other. But he's a smart kid, he does have a right to know what's going on in his own family. 

"You're right, son. You're Ma and I are good now."

Milo smiles and nods his head, "Good. I didn't like being away from you for so long. I missed you a lot, Papa."

I felt my heart warm up at his words, "Yeah? I missed you too, Milo. I thought of you everyday."

Milo nods while looking at the lake, "Ma missed you too. She thought I was asleep, but she would cry a lot in her room."

He caught my attention with he just said, "She would cry?"

"Yeah, I didn't like seeing her cry all the time. And sometimes, in her sleep, she would call out your name, I think she was scared in her dreams. Old ken kept visiting her there."

She still had nightmares. I clenched my jaw. I wanted to kill Kendrick so bad. If I ever saw him, I don't think I could contain myself. He has done the worst of the worst to Ayla. I have fantasised of so many ways to end him. 

"You and your Ma are safe now, Son."

Milo looks up at me like I was his everything, "You will protect us, right?"

"Milo, come here." He put his rod in it's holder and turns to me seriously. 

I sigh and looked down at my son, "I love both you and your Ma. I will do anything to protect you both. And if one day something goes wrong and I tell you to run as fast as you can alright? You hearin me, Milo?"

"I will Papa. I'll run. And I'll protect Mama for you."

I smile and kiss him on the head, "That's ma boy."


I had most of the day to myself. Solomon was hanging out with our son, which I was happy about. I'm sure it would have been a shock for Soul to know that he had a son all this time. I wanted them to develop a good and strong bond. I wanted Soul to teach him what it meant to be a man, what is means to love and be strong. 

I was happy that Milo finally had his father. The sun was setting over the land. I was sitting at the edge of the cliff, looking at the sky turning from blue to pink. The air was a little cool, but I liked it. It felt fresh as I was breathing. 

I was a little worried. I knew that I was so much stronger than I was when I first escaped. But my head was messed up still. I would think things that I knew were totally wrong and messed up. I would feel things that weren't there. 

I was scared that I would never get better, I would never truly be free of my past. I didn't want to voice what I was feeling because I didn't want anyone know that I was still...broken. I didn't want Soul to know. Maybe he wouldn't want me anymore? He might find it too hard? 

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