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"Thank you very much," I told the man. I finally got all of the vegetables on the list. I twirled around with my basket in hand, as I listened to the folk music playing. I had an extra skip in my step as I walked. I twirled here and there. I popped a heal here and there also. Music always had a way to control my body. It was my master... and me? It's puppet.  However, I let it play me willingly.

I tightened the scarf around my head, as the air around me got colder and the wind became more forceful. As I start to make my way out of the market, I twirled around and hummed to the music, but stopped immediately when I smelt something. I looked around and frowned. I closed my eyes and lifted my nose. I inhaled deeply. I opened my wide eyes. 

"Solomon," I whispered to myself. I look around. I looked at all the people's faces. Is Solomon here? Impossible. He cannot be. My heart was racing in the hopes that maybe...just maybe...he could be here. 

But that hope was lost immediately. It could not be him. It is impossible. Tears prickle my eyes slightly, but I blink them away. I haven't smelled such a familiar scent in years. It reminded me of what I didn't have. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I took a deep breath. Forget about it Ayla and move on. It's not Solomon. It was all in your head. The wind picked up and my scarf flew from my head. I watched it flow away into the dark

I shake my head. I then continued to make my way back to Milo. 


I couldn't sleep. I didn't hear the light voice that sang every night. I have come to realize that I actually couldn't sleep well without me hearing that voice sing. It always relaxed me and lulled me to sleep. But on this night...I did not hear it. And it has kept me from having my good night's sleep. 

I got out of bed and put on some sweatpants with a hoodie. Maybe a walk would help. I walk outside and into the woods. Ever since I was a teenager, if I couldn't sleep, I always went for a walk in the forest. Back then, I would have walked with Ayla. If I asked her to, she would always come with me for a late walk, no matter the time. I smiled at the thought. She was so selfless. If I needed her in any way, she was always there, no matter what. But heart began to ache when I realized I never did that for her. I was a selfish bastard. I wasn't there for her a lot of the time. She was always the one serving to my needs, but I never did the same. I became angry with myself. Why was I like that? Why could not have been more of a nice person back then? I mean, I was generally nice. But I was also a real dick. And I hate it. It always makes me think that if I was a little nicer, a little more considerate, a little more selfless...maybe I would still have her.

I see fairy lights start to appear in random places of the forest. I frown. Who would leave perfectly good fairy lights out here? I follow them. Slowly the number of fairy lights increased and soon most of the trees were covered in them. Up ahead, I heard people and music. This must be the famous night market that the pack has been talking about.

I come to a place with crowds of people, talking, laughing, shopping and selling. I walk around the place, observing everyone and everything quietly. I liked the atmosphere in here. It was very lively. It made me feel like a teenager once again. Oh, how I miss being a teenager. All of my teen years were spent with Ayla. I remember everything like I only committed them to memory just yesterday. 

I think my favorite memory, the sweetest was the last happy memory I had wth the two of us. It was before everything went downhill. She changed...and I changed. 

It was actually such a cliche. The sound of it sounds totally cheesy...but when you experience, it's real to you. 

It was Prom Night. 

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