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I was just about to knock on her door when a flash of white caught my eyes.

I turned and am met with Ayla only standing there in a towel

"Oh...hey Ayla." I said softly

She held the towel tight against her chest. I frowned when I could see her collarbone was very prominent...almost too much. She's lost a lot of weight.

When I looked back up her face, I couldn't help but feel a burst of joy release inside me. She was looking away from me but her cheeks were bright red.

That was the most reaction ive have gotten from her so far.

"Ummm...d-did you need something Solomon?"

I slowly took steps towards her, "You don't have to use my full name Ayla. You never used to do that. You always told me it was such a mouth full." I said with a chuckle, hoping that it would lighten the mood.

But her face did not change or react. She held the same serious expression, "Your name is Solomon though."

I smile, "Yeah but I'm just saying...I don't expect you to use it if you had another name in mind."

She stood staring at me blankly. I stood there waiting for...well...ANYTHING.
but like she said before. "Your name is Solomon.  I will call you by your name."

I sighed in disappointment. I smiled softly and nodded my head, "Okay Ayla. That's fine too."

She stepped around me and towards her door, "I'm tired, Solomon.  I think I'll head off to bed now."

"Of course! That makes sense...I mean it's late and all."

She gave a polite smile and turned towards her door.

I thought I would try one last thing, "Good little wolf." I said in a whisper.

I saw her physically still from what I said. She stood there with her shoulders rising and falling at a slightly faster pace.  She looks over her shoulder at me for a quick second before fumbling with the doorknob to get into her room. When she finally opens it she goes in and closes it...I didn't miss the slight glistening of tears in her eyes.

I close my eyes and groaned, "I made her cry, "Soul why do you always end up making her cry!" I released a frustrated groan towards myself.

But I stop bickering and took a deep breath. I'll try again. 


Little Wolf....

My felt my heart stop when he said that. I haven't heard that in so long. But it was just a reminder of how much I've changed. Of the girl that once was...but isn't anymore.

I was currently sitting on the porch watching Milo play a game with Xavier and Kieth. I was happy he was making friends. I was glad that he was developing into a healthy boy. A boy who will  live a good life.

I sip my coffee and smile.  I have no had coffee in years. It tasted amazing. I forgotten how good coffee was.

Someone came and sat next to me. I turned and saw it was Mia, Noahs mate. She turned to me and gave a friendly smile, "Hey Ayla! I hope you don't mind the company?"

I shook my head, "Not at all."

Mia looked out to the field where the boys were playing, "Your son looks so much like Solomon it's crazy."

I sighed, "Yeah well...he is his father."

"Yeah I'm sure he will be a good father to Milo."

I quietly scoffed, "Let's hope so."

I could see Mia heard me. Her face eyes flicked to me but quickly went back to the boys.
"'re you holding up?" She asks gently. 

I could see she was genuine. I think she wanted me to know that I was allowed to talk about stuff when I wanted to. And that I shouldn't be afraid. But I didn't want to.

I shrug my shoulders, "Fine. I am okay. I little roughed up obviously...but I'll survive."

She nods her head in understanding, "Well I just want you to know that...I'm here to talk. And if you don't want to talk to me...that's totally fine too. You can talk to Zapora, or anyone else you're comfortable with."

I look away from Milo and gazed at Mia's face.
"Thank you," I said softly.

She smiles and nods her head, "Before I came to this pack...I didn't talk to anyone about anything. I held everything inside and as a result, it festered like an infection. It didn't do me any good."

I didn't want to ask because a part of me didn't really care what she's been through. But I was curious. How could such a sweet and kind person like Mia go through anything?
I cough awkwardly and quietly asked, "What do you think would happen if you never talked about it?"

Mia was silent for a moment. She looked at the boys that were playing, thinking.
And then she turned back to me but with a serious expression. Her eyes held a lot of grief and pain, "I try not to think about it much. Because if I hadn't let go of what I was holding...I would lose myself. I would lose the part that made me Mia. And then...I would lose the will to live my life."

Hmmm...interesting. "What if it's too late? What if...the damage was too great that you've already lost everything that made"

Mia leaned in and said, "I think if that go to the person that has your other half. The person that holds the part of you that makes you, you."

"A mate." I answered

She smiles and nods her head.
I look away. I sigh and slightly roll my eyes. Great. All of this talk was just so than I would go to Solomon.

I am sure she was still genuine...but I think she also wanted for me and Solomon to talk. And I just can't do that. 

I stand up. And look down at Mia, "That might have worked for your case, Mia. And I am glad about that. But I have one question for you to think about...what if your mate was the one that caused you to shatter. What can you do then? There is no other half, Mia. At least not to me,"

I turned towards my son and his friends, "Come on boys! I'll make you guys some lunch!" I shouted. They stopped playing and came running inside and I followed them.


I was doing border patrolling. I had nothing to do so I decided to do it. As I was walking through the woods, I heard a twig snap. I stop walking and still myself. I hear footsteps coming closer...and closer. I look over my shoulder and am surprised to see my big brother...Xander. 

"What're you doing here?" I asked. 

He shrugs his shoulders, "Thinking."

I nodded my head. We stood in silence as I was looking around the forest. 

"How is Ayla?" I heard him ask. 

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. She doesn't seem like she wants to talk."

Xander sat down on a rock and released a sigh, "Sounds difficult."

I nodded my head, "Yeah it is."

We fell into another silence. It's weird talking to my brother like this. We've never really re-established our relationship or anything. 

"So I'm guessing the engagements off?" He asks.

I laughed without humor, "Yeah sorry brother, but it is. I've finally found Ayla, after five years. I can't let her go." 

Xander nods his head. He ends up just getting up and walking away.

"No argument?" I called out. 

Xander looks over his shoulder, "I've learned not to get in the way of destiny again. I don't think it no accident that all of us haven't married Sophie." He turns and continues off. 

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

And without looking or stopping, Xander answer, "To prepare."

"For what?"

"For war."

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