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"So how's the packing going?" Asks Eddie.

I leaned back in my chair and sighed, "It's coming along. I'm just trying to pack everything," I chuckled, "I am definitely not packing light."

Eddie smirks, "Yeah well you'll need a lot going to England. You're stepping up quite a bit, bro."

I shrug and take a swig of my beer, "Well it's not like I have anything else to do. It keeps my mind busy which is what I want so."

Eddie leans on his elbows over the table, "So are things, bro?"

I shake my head, "I'm sick of talking about me. Yeah my life's not the best, no point sulking about it now. I should be asking you that question. How are things with Lily?"

Eddie gulps, "It's been hard man, she cries at night. I can see she's trying to be strong. But it's taking its toll."

"I'm so sorry, Eddie. If I had been there earlier, if I had noticed her earlier maybe she would-"

"Nah man," Eddie cuts in, "You've got enough on your plate. Don't add this to it too. Zapora and I don't blame you one bit. So don't hold on to this. You hearing me?"

I look down at my beer and nod my head silently, "Thank you, man."

Eddie leans back and smiles at me, "England will be a big adventure for you man. No doubt about it. I think it'll be good for you, being away from the war and this place full of memories."

"Yeah that's what I'm looking forward to. Change. I'm excited for a change of scenery and people. Won't remind me of what I've lost every minute of every day."

I could see in Eddies eyes he pities me. He looks at me and says, "We haven't talked much. But I'm sorry for everything you've gone through."

I shrug as if it was nothing, "Sorry for what? It's my own fault. I did this to myself."

"I know man, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't suck. It must be hard to not have your family with you."

"It's harder to not have them love you either."

"Do you think they will come back?"

"Honestly," I paused, "No. I think I've accepted a long time ago that they won't come back. And I think that's why I've tried so hard to keep myself busy because if I don't. I might die of alcohol poisoning or I might do something that might end with me dead."

Eddie nodded his head understandingly, "It's good to keep busy. But it's also good to be at peace too. Try find your peace when you're in England."

I think of peace. What is peace? What is my peace? My peace was Ayla and Milo. I can't have peace. I shake my head as I stare into nothingness, "Nah man. Peace is a luxury that I don't have...and I think I won't ever have."

Eddie and I left the pub and went back to the camp. We shifted into our wolves and began to run.


Once we finally got home it was after dinner. Fires were being lit and families and friends were gathering around them.

I sighed. I always stay in my tent at around this time. It's just straight up depressing seeing families. Males with their mates and pups. I envy them.

I see Lizzy whisper something to Xander, he smiles and nods his head. She gets up from the log and makes her way over to me. 

"Hey Stranger." She says with a smile.

I chuckle and nod my head, "Hey Lizzy."

It's pretty crazy it's been about four or five years since Lizzy first came into the picture. She's grown a lot. now she's got her own pups and is a leader of a Pack.

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