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I opened my eyes to see the sun was rising over the land. I looked to my side and saw my Ayla lying next to me. She was still asleep. Her body was curled up against me and I couldn't help but smile. Her face was so peaceful and so content. I took a piece of her wavy blonde hair and tucked it behind her ear. I leaned down and kissed her forehead softly. She is amazing. She is the most amazing being I have ever met in my entire life. 

I don't know how she forgave me...but she did. And I am eternally grateful. I will try be the man she deserves until the day I die. She is my world, my heart, my love, my everything. 

She slowly started to move, climbing out of her slumber. Her eyes lazily squinted open. As soon as her eyes landed on me she gave me a tired smile, "Thank goodness it wasn't a dream. I thought yesterday didn't happen for a minute there."

I leaned down and said, "Oh it happened alright. But I am guessing you don't remember the sex right?"

Her eyes widened, "what?"

I closed my eyes and chuckled, "Kidding kidding," I lean closer and whisper, "You would definitely be remembering that, I promise you."

She rolls her eyes, but I could see a hint of a smile. 

"So how are you feeling today?" I asked. 

She released a much held breath and stares up at the roof of the tent, "I feel good. I feel like this was right," Her eyes flickered back to me, "This is exactly where I am supposed to be."

"And thank goodness for that. I was going through a living hell without you here...I kept calling up to heaven to just take me, but sadly they weren't returning my phone calls, which is NOT very heavenly of them."

Ayla giggles, "Well I am glad that they didn't call yet. We will call them together once our time is right."

I cup her cheek and smile, "And that is all I want."

Ayla yawns and I chuckle. I grab the blanket and pull it over her, I lean in and pecked her lips when I whispered, "Rest, little wolf. I will be here when you wake up."

She closes her eyes and smiles as she quickly drifts off to sleep. I sit up and climb out of the tent, the sun was rising quickly. Feeling the warm light hit my skin felt good. It felt like a new day, a fresh start. I walked towards the circle of rocks and decided to try make a fire. Ayla would like to sit around the fire while eating breakfast.

I grab some of the piled wood and started to prepare for the fire. 


I raised my head at that beautiful sound. The voice of my son. I looked over my shoulder and saw him standing there with his wildly curly hair while he was rubbing his eyes. 

I smiled. I turned around still crouched, "Hey, Son."

A giant smile broke out and Milo sprinted towards me, "Papa!" He launches himself into my open arms and we tumble to the ground. I laughed, "My boy! Oh my Milo."

Milo was laughing hard as he said, "I missed you Papa!"

"I missed you too, Milo. I missed you so much. I'm so happy you're here."

"You heard me? On the bridge. When I was calling for you, you heard me?"

I nodded my head, "I did, Milo. I heard you, you brought me back."

He smiles and buries his head in my chest. I hold him tight against. I missed him so much. I couldn't believe that we were apart for so long. I never want to part with him or Ayla ever again. I will do anything for them. 

I looked over Milo's shoulder to see some other members of the pack were slowly waking up. Xander had come out of his tent, Lizzy was still asleep with their kids. He stretched and was scanning the area. When his eyes landed on me, he didn't react very much. I think he knew I was going to come back. No male can ever resist their mate afterall. Xander gave me a small nod and as he turned to walk towards his own fire, I could see his shoulders shake slightly with his chuckle. Yeah, my big brother knows. 

Eddie crawled out of his tent holding little Lily's hand. When he saw me he groaned, "Damn it Solomon, why'd you come back?" He said sarcastically. 

I chuckled, "Yeah yeah I know, I'm a blessing to your life and all, I get it! You don't have to worry anymore Eddie! I am here to stay!"

Eddie shake his head, "I have no idea why Ayla likes you."

"It because you haven't had sex with me Eddie...Unless you want-"


I smile, "And that's the voice I know and love."

I turn to my left and see Ayla coming out of the tent, "There are children present! No talking of such things!"

I chuckle, "I'm sorry, little Wolf, Eddie just got excited to see me."

Ayla rolls her eyes with a small smirk on her beautiful lips. Eddie scoffs and walks away with his daughter. Milo climbs out of my lap and runs to Ayla to give her a hug, "Ma! Papa heard us! Papa heard us from the boat!"

She hugs him back and kisses his forehead, "Well lucky us."

My beautiful mate and beautiful son come over to and sits down in front of the fire with me. Both of them leaning on me. I took a deep breath and released the air from my lungs. I felt so content. I had my family back. That's all that matters. I feel like nothing could ever ruin this moment. My life is finally complete.

"Solomon!" I heard Xander call. All of us looked at him and saw he looked very serious. Something was urgent. I figure was behind him. A girl. She limped forward into the light. I inwardly cringe. She was beaten up. Bad. She was shaking a lot as she held herself. 


She raises her head and her eyes meet mine. She utters words very very quietly that I almost couldn't hear her. But the words that came out of her mouth? I could understand her loud and clear, "H-h-he's coming," her eyes drifted from me to Ayla, "He's c-c-coming for you."

Yup...that could ruin the moment.

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