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Ayla hasn't woken up in two days. And we still haven't found Kendrick. He ran away during the war. But I'm not worried about that. I'll find him...and when I do, he'll wish he was dead. 

I was cleaning up my room to make it nice and fresh for Ayla. We had all moved back into the pack territory. It felt good being home. I hadn't realised how long it has been since we've been back until I saw the place. We had been gone for over a year. I couldn't believe it. 

As soon as I started recognise the familiar surroundings, I felt happy. It reminded me that there was no war anymore. However, that doesn't mean I won't have any challenges. I haven't rested at all since Ayla hasn't woken up. 

I would talk to her. I would say what I liked about my day or what I didn't like. But every time I would get the same response...which was no response. I asked Mia to check her again. Her wounds were healing. She told me she is healing fine, but that I will still have to patient. 

I was trying to be. But it's hard when I think that Ayla could possibly die at any moment. A knock sounded at the door. I opened and saw Eddie. 

"What is it? Is Ayla okay?"

Eddie nods his head, "Oh yeah, she's totally. I got a present for you."

"What?" I asked as my face frowned in suspicion, "What is it?"

Eddie nods down the hall, "Follow me." 

I shook my head and sighed as I followed my best friend. He lead me down the stairs and then down to the basement. 

"Dude, what kind of present is this?"

"The kind that you want, trust me." Eddie replied. 

Once we got down there, I saw the metal door. Eddie opened it and nodded inside, indicating for me to go in. I cautiously enter and saw, Xander and Noah standing there. In the middle is Kendrick tied down to the chair. 

Every ounce of anger I had stored is now solely targeted at the man sitting in that chair. 

"We found him, tryin to climb into the window of Ayla's room." Noah explained

And that was the final snap. I launched myself at him and rained punches down on his face, "You sick motherfucker! I'm going to fucking kill you!"

I felt arms come around me and pull me back, "What the fuck do guys think you're doing?!" I yelled at them. 

"Just wait, Solomon!" Xander shouted, "You can't just go an beat him."

I shrug Eddie off of me and said panting, "Why the hell not?"

Noah steps in and frowns at Xander, "Yeah why the bloody not? He abused my Mia. I have a right to get a few punches in."

Xander raises his hands, "Calm down everyone. I get it I really do. Kendrick has abused both of your I thought of a more efficient way for us all to get a little bit of revenge in this."

Noah and I looked at each other then back to Xander. 

"Eddie!" Xander calls out. 

Eddie enters the room while pushing a tray. The tray was silver and it had a big sheet over it. Eddie pulls the covering off to reveal...weapons. 

Xander steps aside and motions towards the tray of tools, "Take your pick, gentlemen."

I smiled when I saw the whip on the table. Vengeance is truly sweet. 


I open my eyes and see the blue sky. It was the bluest I've ever seen. And the clouds were so beautifully white and fluffy. So pure and soft. I admired them a lot. 

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