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I was unwrapping my bandages to see how my wounds were doing. I was going to ask Ayla to do it, but I think she's doing some Mama stuff with Milo. 

My wounds were healing fast. I guess that's one of the perks of being an Alpha's son AND brother. I put some of the healing salve on to speed up the process when I heard something...crying. 

I sat up and looked around the area. Crying got louder. It was Milo. I felt my heart beat faster. I stood up, "Milo?" I shouted out.

"Papa!" I heard him scream. He came from around the cave and ran to me with tears streaming down his face. He was holding a big towel around himself. 

I bent down as he launched himself into my arms, "Whoa! Hey hey hey. What's going on? Why're you crying?" I said concerned. 

He wiped his eyes and his nose as he said through his shaky voice, "They took Mama! They have her! She tried to get me away. She told me to run! Mama stayed and fought them, Papa! And they took her!"

My heart literally stopped and a deep fear entered into my chest. 

"Old Ken has her, Papa!" My son shouted, "I'm scared! I want to see Mama!" 

I held him to my chest, "Ssshhh, it's okay. It's okay, son. You'll see Mama again." They took her. How could I be so stupid?! I should have gone with her! I'm an idiot! How could I let this happen? I'm supposed to protect her and now she's been taken!

I ran to the tent with my son in my arms. I ran through the entrance at full speed. Xander was talking to Noah about something when they saw me come in abruptly. 

I stood there breathing heavily, "Kendrick has Ayla."

Both Xander and Noah stood up in alarm, "How did that happen?" Xander growls, "There are patrols stationed everywhere."

I growled, "Well our patrols must be pretty shitty if my Ayla has been taken." Both Xander and Noah stood there in silence. Taking in the new information, but my patience was stretching, "Well? Are we going to do something? She's my mate Xander! She's a part of this family, we have to do something!"

Xander nodded his head, "We will, but we have to be smart."

I stepped forward and shouted, "Kendrick has the upper hand! He's always had the advantage! we don't have time to plan anything! The more time we spend planning, the more time Kendrick has with my mate! I cannot let that happen, Xander. You have to understand."

Xander grabs me tightly on the shoulders, "I understand, Solomon. You need to calm down or else you won't be of any use to your mate and pup."

I looked down at Milo and he was silently crying on my chest. I held him tightly against me as he held onto just the same. I gulped and took a deep breath. 

Xander goes back to his seat, "We will first send a scout. We need to know the lay out, the amount of guards, who is where inside the house. Then we will send out a rescue mission for Ayla right before we begin the battle. It will make it easier to get to her if all the wolves are fighting."

"What about us? What about our army? We won't have enough wolves. How will we get the fire power?" 

"I know how to get the firepower," Noah said. He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, deep in thought, "I'll find a way to get us more wolves. You'll just have to trust me."

"Alright," Xander said, "We will leave the extra boom to you, Noah, while me and Solomon plan this mission."

"When do you think we should start the battle?" Xander asks me. 

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