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A/N: So this pic up top is Taylor Kistch who is Playing SOLOMON.


I groan as soon I was conscious. I have to stop waking up like this. My throat felt tight and sore. I coughed into my hands as I opened my eyes slowly. Everything was blurry for a moment till they went into focus. 

I frowned...I was in a tent. Why the hell am I in a tent? I sit up and look around. I sniff it and it still smelled of Blood Moon Pack. I crawl out and my eyes widen. I wasn't in the blood moon pack area anymore, and neither was anyone else. We were in the woods. Tents were everywhere. There were little fires here there with people sitting around it, talking while others were doing other work. The males were carrying in logs and some of the females were pitching up more tents. What is going on?

That was when I remember. The fire. My house was on fire. The pack was on fire. I instantly panick. Milo. 

I frantically crawled out of the tent and stood up. I stumbled slightly because I was still dizzy.

"Milo!" I shouted. Some people were looking at me. My heart was beating fast. I ran around and yelled, "Milo!"

Fear made it's home inside me. He has to be okay. I heard a giggle from behind me. I whip around and see Solomon sitting next to Milo while he was picking flowers. 

I sprinted to them, "Milo!" I yelled out. He looked up at me and smiled, "Mama!" He shouted in joy. He ran to me with flowers in his hands. I fell to my knees and caught him in my arms. I hold him tight and inhaled his scent, "Oh my boy. My baby." I grab a hold of his shoulders and pulled him back, "Are you okay?"

He smiles and nods his head, "Papa took care of me. He protected me, Ma." 

I looked behind my Son and saw Solomon standing there watching us. I nodded towards him and said breathlessly, "Thank you, Solomon."

He nods his head, "No need to thank me. It's my job to protect my son."

"Look Ma! I got you flowers because I wanted you to feel better."

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, "Thank you Baba. They are beautiful."

He kisses me on the cheek and points to Lily, Zay's little girl, "I'm gonna play with Lily now."

I smiled and nodded my head, "Okay, Milo. Be careful." He runs off to go play with his cousin. 

Solomon was gone. I saw him up a head talking to a very grumpy looking old lady. She was shouting at him and waving her arms around, but he just stood there quietly and calmy just staring at her. He turned and caught me watching. He gave me a smirk and winked his eye. My eyes widen and I felt my cheeks burn. I quickly stand up and walk away.


Later on in the day, I was assigned to go get water from the near by river. As I walked with a bucket and a strainer I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned around and rolled my eyes. It was Solomon walking with two buckets. He smirked at me when I saw him. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Getting water. What are you doing?" He asked. 

I lifted the bucket, "Getting water." 

I bend down towards the river and filled the bucket up, I then start to strain it to try and cleanse it a little better. 

"Why have you been avoiding me all day?" Solomon asks. 

Without looking at him, I replied, "Maybe it's because I don't like you."

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