[Season 4B-6B]
Ingrid was a blessing from the Gods, a gift for her mother Lagertha, a woman who never believed she could have anymore children. As a young child she grew up closely with the famous Ragnar Lothbrok sons, especially his young...
'Odin is calling. Come back to your roots. Come back to the ancient path. Come back home.' ~
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Her beautiful blonde white hair danced in the wind as she galloped through the fields on her horse. She had been away from the home she once grew up in, along with Ragnar Lothbrok's sons.
Young Ingrid watched the town below her from the top of the mountain, boats with all different shapes and sizes were pulled up on the dock. Kattegat had become the biggest trading centre in all of Norway. "You sure your ready to go back?" Her dear friend Freyja questioned.
"Of course, it was once my home Freyja and I don't intend to ever abandon it again" Ingrid says before galloping away again through the fields and into the woods.
Bjorn Lothbrok stood by and watched as Floki and Helga pushed the mini boats out onto the open water that morning. Bjorn needed to discuss about his father Ragnar Lothbrok, a man who had disappeared after the great battle he had between his brother Rollo. Floki turned to find Bjorn standing there, watching him, so he made his way towards the Ragnarsson.
"Did you know Ragnar lied to us all?" Bjorn questioned him. "The settlement in Wessex was destroyed as soon as we left." Floki looked away from Bjorn for a second and then turned back to him. "I know" Floki replies. "A farmer who escaped the slaughter told your father and I what had happened. Ragnar killed him so no one else would find out."
"Your a good friend to my father" Bjorn says as he pats Floki on the back.
"Hello, Bjorn" Helga greeted, as she comes walking towards them.
"Helga" Bjorn greeted the woman. "I was just coming to see how the boats were progressing."
"What do you say Helga?" Floki questions his wife.
"What shall we tell him?" Helga asks. "We think it won't be long until you have boats ready and able to take you to the Mediterranean sea."
Floki lets out a scoff. "If it exists." "Of course it exists" Bjorn assures them.
"Its just a map Bjorn. Marks on a paper. A child could have drawn it. How can we know its real?"
"I learned from my father. The only way to tell if something is real" he took the mini Viking boat from Helgas hands and placed it in the water. "Is to sail there." The three watched as it floated in the water, Bjorn then turned to Floki, a man he had known since he was boy, and a man that was great friends with his father Ragnar. "I hope you'll come with me Floki."