[Season 4B-6B]
Ingrid was a blessing from the Gods, a gift for her mother Lagertha, a woman who never believed she could have anymore children. As a young child she grew up closely with the famous Ragnar Lothbrok sons, especially his young...
This chapter is dedicated to demonhunter2000for the amazing fan edits that she created for Shieldmaiden. Thank you so much.😊😊
'The Gods will always smile on brave women. Like the valkyries, those furies who men fear and desire.'
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The Great Heathen army soon arrived in England. They were all here for revenge for the death of their king, Ragnar Lothbrok. Ingrid smirked happily as she got off the boat and landed on the English soil. She breathed in the earthy smell of the place where she was once here as a baby with her father and mother, a day she wished she could remember. Ingrid looked to her mothers necklace and kissed Thor's hammer that was draped around her neck. Her grandfather had made it for her mother Lagertha years ago when she was just a little girl, it was the only thing Lagertha had left of her father. Lagertha had passed it down to her youngest daughter Ingrid and hopefully one day she would be able to pass it on to her own child.
She stood on the battlefield along with the other Viking warriors. The Saxon army were expecting little of the great Heathen army, oh wrong they were. The great battle, was here. Unlike the Saxon army that quivered in fear before them, Ingrid was having a hard time containing her excitement, she was born ready for this. She could barely keep herself from charging forward by herself, her body responding to the tension that thickened the air. It felt like eternity for Ingrid waiting for the battle to commence. The Vikings around her twitched and shuffled forward a bit, ready to surge forward with the sound of the horn.
Ivar soon arrived onto the battlefield in his chariot. A chariot Floki had built just for Ivar, they were now his legs amongst the battlefield. Ivar placed himself next to the young shieldmaiden. Her green eyes looked towards the boy she had grown up with who's thick dark hair smoothed back, jaw line clenching and his striking blue eyes glaring at the enemy, Ivars hands clenching the reins. So many unspoken words between them, if she was to die on the battlefield, she would never have admitted the feelings that lurked deep inside her. Just on point Ivar turned to her and that hard stare he had in his eyes softened when they reached Ingrids eyes. He let a feral smile tilt his lips before turning away. The pair stared out at the Saxons before them. There was more of them than the Saxon army had realized for they didn't realize how serious this was to the Vikings. Ragnar Lothbrok was the most famous person in their world and he would be avenged. "Charge!" Bjorn yelled. The Vikings charged forward and Ingrid ran with them. Ivar watched her as she fought her way through the battlefield, he stayed close by her, but deep down Ivar knew the Gods were looking out for the small shieldmaiden who fought bravely through the battlefield.