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'I'm a survivor.'


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She stared at him, with pure love and affection. He was there watching her from the other side of the battlefield. Everything that was happening around her was irrelevant to her. She just only saw him.
Ivar looked at her, he was so happy she was alright. He couldn't wait to have her back in his arms once more.
His ástin mín.
Then that's when Ingrid didn't see the viking warrior charging towards her.
She was too distracted by Ivar that she didn't even see it coming, but he did.
"Ingrid!" He roared.
But he was too late.
The sword went into her stomach.

Ivar roared and the thunder erupted through the battlefield. He charged down into the battlefield on his chariot. Ivar fired the axe at Ingrids attacker hitting him right in the forehead, killing him instantly.

She was lying on the ground blood seeping from her dress.
Ivar jumped off his chariot and crawled to her side.
"I-its okay" she whispered.
He looked at the blood that was now on his hands. "No! Your not dying today!"
Ivar did believe that it was an honor to die in battle, but not Ingrid, he wasn't go to let her die, not today, not ever.
"Hvitserk!" Ivar yelled as he tried to keep pressure on the wound. Ingrid's eyes were closing she was going unconscious.
"I love you - Ivar the Boneless, my - Ivar and our lille - Helga" she whispered as she touched his face and he held onto her hand.
"You are going to live okay? I'm never letting go of you again."
Suddenly Hvitserk came running towards Ivar, who was now holding a weak Ingrid his arms.
Hvitserk looked towards the wound, where the blood was coming out of.
"Ivar we need to sew up that wound of hers, before she bleeds to death."

Hvitserk picked up Ingrid and placed her gently onto the chariot, Ivar crawling after him. The two brothers got onto the chariot. Hvitserk flicked the reins for the horse to gallop forward, all the ways back to their camp.


Lagertha sensed something was up
The white haired shieldmaiden clutched onto her necklace.
Her son Bjorn came running in
"Mother you need to take a look at the sky." Lagerthas pale face looked to her son.
"Where's Ingrid?"
"Is she not here?"
"No she's not here but I know where she is, she's with him" Lagertha tells her son.
Soon the loud rolls of thunder erupted from outside. Lagertha and Bjorn dashed towards the window.
Bjorn was right the sky had grown darker and a dark shade of red appeared from the sky. And thunder and lightning lit up the whole entire sky.
She knew the Gods were upset and Lagerthas motherly instincts kicked in
She held onto her necklace she gripped onto the Thor hammer.
"Please. Don't let her die."


Once they got back to camp where King Harald was with the rest of his warriors. The King watched as Hvitserk carried the shieldmaiden straight towards one of the tents, blood was smeared all over her dress.
Hvitserk gently placed her on the table
Ivar came crawling in after him. Hvitserk ripped the dress off revealing her naked body which was mostly covered in her own blood, Ivar grabbed onto his arm.
"What do you think your doing?!"
"Ivar she's bleeding to death, I have to rip it off to stitch the wound" his older brother explained.
Ivar released his arm.
Hvitserk got the closet thing he could find to thread and a needle.
Freyja had taught the Ragnarsson to sew back in England after he had ripped his clothes or got a deep wound in battle. Just thinking about the woman he loved brought tears to his eyes and the unborn child he would never get to hold in his arms. But Hvitserk looked down at Ingrids unconscious body. He needed to save her no matter what, even if Ingrid did want to kill him after he brought Freyja into battle. Even if Ingrid had wished bad things would happen to him, he still would never want her to die, Freyja would have never allowed it and neither would Ivar.
And neither would he.
The Ragnarsson kept sewing the wound to try and close it up, to stop her from loosing so much blood.
He was going to save Ingrid.


Gunnar and Thorunn galloped back to Kattegat once they had been defeated.
They jumped off the horses and rushed into the hut where the children had remained. They needed to leave quickly. Before the Franks would arrive.
Once Ragnhild saw her father running towards them she picked up baby Helga in her arms.
"We are leaving now, pack your things quickly."
Torvi ran in after them
"Where's Erik?
"Oh thank the Gods your alright
"I made sure Margrethe wouldn't go near them Torvi, Ingrid wanted me to look after them" Ragnhild explained
"Thank you Ragnhild."
"Wheres Gurthrum?" Ragnhild asks the shieldmaiden
Torvi looks down at the ground. "He was killed Ragnhild."
"What?" Tears began stream down her face as well as Torvi's
"I know how much you cared for him, but Gurthrum is in Valhalla now with his real father."
Ragnhild nods her head and soon moves over quietly to pack her things.
Torvi watched as they all were packing their things, well mostly their weapons.
"Where are you going?" Torvi asked
"Leaving" Gunnar tells her as he moves out towards the horses.
"Because it's what Ingrid wants us to do, she believes it's not safe for the children here anymore so we are taking the children far from Kattegat. And I think you should do the same Torvi" Thorunn tells the skilled shieldmaiden.
Gunnar arrives back into the hut.
"We need to move Thorunn, right now."
Ragnhild picks up Kristof, little Erika following after them.
Thorunn reaches into the wooden cot and lifts up baby Helga. Who just coos at the shieldmaiden.
"Lets get you out of here lille venn."


Ingrid squinted her eyes open to be met with Ivars.
"Your okay" he whispered to her as he caressed his hand softly against her cheek.
"W-what happened?" She asked hoarsely. Her mouth was dry.
Ivar fetched her a cup of water. He placed the cup of water against her pale  lips and tilted the cup back. Ingrid gulped down the water fairly quickly, which got rid of the dryness from her mouth.
"Well what happened was you got stabbed, lost a lot of blood but thanks to Hvitserk he saved you."

"Hvitserk saved me?" The shieldmaiden would have never believed it, Hvitserk had saved her, even though she wanted to kill him for killing Gurthrum and she had wished that bad things would happen to him after the death of Freyja.

"Course he did Ingrid, Hvitserk cares, he sewed up the wound to stop you from bleeding to death."
She moved her hand down to her wound. Ingrid tried to move but felt a sting rush up through her body. She let out a painful groan.
"You need to be careful."

"Sorry" she mumbled.
"Tis okay, you'll be okay my ástin mín."
And in that moment Ivar kissed his sweet Ingrid, before wrapping his arms securely around his wife.
While a storm was beginning to brew again.
The war was not over yet.


End Of Book II

I hope you've enjoyed part two of Shieldmaiden, would love to hear your opinions on this story.
Thank you to everyone who has commented, voted and designed amazing gifs and edits for Shieldmaiden, I appreciate it so much.
The Epigraph of part three is posted hope you enjoy it!!😊😊


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