[Season 4B-6B]
Ingrid was a blessing from the Gods, a gift for her mother Lagertha, a woman who never believed she could have anymore children. As a young child she grew up closely with the famous Ragnar Lothbrok sons, especially his young...
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Once Ingrid stepped out of the tent she made her way to the river bank. She smiled happily to herself, they had won two battles, killed King Aelle. Now all they needed to do was kill King Ecbert who had given Ragnar up like a sacrifice. Her and Ivar were finally together and he wanted to marry her. She couldn't stop smiling because of that, he had asked her to be his wife. She looked at her surroundings, but soon she was sucked into a vision making her smile fade away.
Death surrounded her, bodies laid at her feet. A young boy looked at her, he smiled at her but soon disappeared. Ivar staring right at her on the battlefield. Anger and hunger for power rested in his eyes. A black raven soared above her head. Death again. An axe. Blood. Odin brought his hand out for Ingrid to take. Her Allefather. But soon Odin disappeared and their her actual father stood, Athelstan. Father. "Ingrid, you need to stop for what is about to come" he warned her. And then their was a boy a few years younger than her stood by his side. Alfred.
Ingrid let out a deep breath and soon she was back in reality near the river. "Alfred?" She whispered.
"Ingrid?" A voice asked worryingly behind her. There stood Helga with a shaky Tanaruz. Death. "You okay lille venn?" "I think so" she says. "You look like you've seen a ghost" she tells the young shieldmaiden. "I think I just did Helga." Helga brought the young shieldmaiden in for a hug. "Ghost can never harm us not if we don't give them a reason to. Who was this ghost that you saw?" "My father" Ingrid murmured. "What did he want?" "I think he was trying to warn me for what is about to come."
The Vikings came to where King Ecbert lived, but when they arrived the town was empty. They must've have fled when they heard of the Northmen coming for King Ecbert.
Then soon stepped out from a building, was King Ecbert, Ingrid thought it was another ghost walking towards her but this was an actual alive old man. The man moved closer and stood before Ragnarssons and Ingrid. As he was much closer now, he had heavy bags under his eyes and his face was pale, like a ghost. Ingrid could tell that King Egbert held that look of a wise old man.
She had watched curiously as the King had given the Ragnarssons legal claim to the kingdom of East Anglia, for he was the king of kings. The Vikings had no legal right to English lands, but here King Ecbert was giving them the legal right. Ingrid wasn't buying it, but she decided not to question it. Her priorities weren't on English soils, she had other things in mind. Once the paper was signed, it was time to decide for which way King Ecbert should die.