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'God of the weather, chariot of the storm,
Master of rain and torrents,
Son of the strength of Mother Earth,
Spare us your mighty fury,
But grant us safe passage,
So that we might see the dawn.'


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She stood by Aslaug that morning as Ivar was preparing himself to leave for England. She still wasn't sure about it all, but its what he wanted, he wanted to be with his father. Ingrid would've been the same, if she was ever given the option to go raiding with her father, she would've gladly taken it. Ivar soon arrived in crutches and he was walking like a regular man. Ingrid gave him a pleasant smile as he moved forward with the crutches. He soon had to lose the crutches, but once he did he dropped to the ground, Ivar lent out a grunt of pain. Ivar crawled his way onto the wooden plank but soon Ingrid stepped forward.
"Wait" she called out. Ivar turned to see Ingrid make her way towards him.
She held something in her hand, an axe she had made, it had been designed beautifully, a picture of Odin and many other Gods like Thor and Loki.
"Figured you might want this. Made it myself."
"Its beautiful Ingrid thank you."
Ingrid smiled happily at her friend.
"May Odin give knowledge on your path. May Thor grant you strength and courage on your way. And may Loki give you laughter as you go, Ivar Ragnarsson" Ingrid says before she kisses the top of his head.
Ivar smiled happily at her. He felt bad about leaving her behind but it's what he wanted to do, he was given this opportunity, to be with his father and he had accepted it. He knew Ingrid would do well in Kattegat and starting her own shieldmaiden training for young women.

Ragnar Lothbrok watched happily as his son was given a hug goodbye, Ingrid didn't treat him special, like Aslaug did, but she could see the good in him that many couldn't.
It was like watching himself and Lagertha, when they were younger and so in love with each other, how young Ingrid reminded him of Lagertha, but he could see a little bit of her father in her as well, the kindness she showed to the people she loved and cared most about. A part of her father lived on inside his daughter Ingrid.
Ragnar could see himself in his youngest son, the way Ivars icy blue eyes would light up when Ingrid was in his presence, and the way his eyes would follow her smile. Ivar soon turned away from Ingrid and crawled onto the boat.
Ragnar approached Ingrid who he brought in for a hug goodbye and he whispered into her ear. "When he returns Ingrid please look after him, he needs you at his side."
Ingrid looked up at the old King, and replied. "Of course I will Ragnar, he is my best friend, and you will also return right?"

"Don't worry about me" he says as pats her shoulder. She stared in confusion at the old king, but then soon realized what he meant, Ingrid could feel tears forming in her eyes, this would be the last time she'd ever see Ragnar Lothbrok.
"When Ivar returns be there for him Ingrid he needs a good woman and shieldmaiden to guide him in the right direction. And also look after your mother for me."
Those were the very last words Ragnar Lothbrok spoke to Ingrid, before he set sail onto his boat away from Kattegat.
She watched from the docks as the boat sailed away, disappearing over the horizon.

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