[Season 4B-6B]
Ingrid was a blessing from the Gods, a gift for her mother Lagertha, a woman who never believed she could have anymore children. As a young child she grew up closely with the famous Ragnar Lothbrok sons, especially his young...
'Darkness surrounds you, yet she is the only bit of light you have left. Use the light or be totally consumed by the darkness.'
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The black raven flew over Ingrids head that morning as she followed Ubbe and Alfred into the woods. She watched as the black raven perched himself on top of the branch his eyes following her as she walked right past him. The eyes of Oidin it was said to be. The raven soon spread its wings, and flew right past Ingrid. "Auntie Ingrid!" The shieldmaiden turned to see her nephew and niece run towards her as well as Kristof. She opened her arms wide and welcomed the three into her arms. She pulled back from the hug to look at the three of them. "Have you three been following me this whole time?" "No" the boys say in sync. Ingrid then turned to look at little Elsa. "Elsa?" Ingrid called. The little blonde three year old smiled. "Yes." "That's my honest lille venn, unlike you two." She gives a death glare at Hali and Kristof. Ingrid soon picks up Elsa. "Come on so, let's go see uncle Ubbe and Alfred." "Yay!" the children cheer, Elsa claps her hands together, only making Ingrid smile happily at her niece.
"First lesson is not to be afraid. So go and stand by the tree" Ubbe told the King. "Why? What are you going to do?"
"You asked me to teach you how to fight. And I can teach you the ways in which to fight with a sword and ax, or a shield to stay alive. But if you are afraid, then you are already dead. So, go stand by the tree." Alfred did as he was told and stood next to the tree Ubbe pointed to.
Suddenly Ubbe fired his axe straight at Alfred which he dodged fairly quickly. "Ubbe!"
"Don't be afraid."
"Ubbe Lothbrok what in Odin's name are you doing?!" a voice says coming out of the trees. Ingrid Lagerthadottir marched towards the Ragnarsson, an angry look upon her face.
"Teaching." Then he fired another ax. Alfreds eyes widen in complete shock, he looked to his sister, he needed her help.
"Come on lets show how its properly done, instead of you firing axes at poor Alfred." Ubbe nods his head in agreement at the shieldmaiden. He hands Ingrid one of his axes and Alfred gives her a shield to protect herself. She smiles at her brother before telling him; "Watch and learn little brother." Soon Kristof appeared from out of the bushes with Hali and Elsa. The three watched as the shieldmaiden fought with the Ragnarsson. The two laughing as they dodged each other with one another's axe, as if they were children once more playing battle with one another. Ubbe swung his axe once more but Ingrid quickly dodged it. Soon Ingrid came along with her shield, hitting Ubbe with it, knocking the Ragnarsson to the ground. The three children giggled at Ubbe, Ingrid curtsied towards the children. Alfred watched in admiration at his sister, she was most certainly different to any other woman he had ever come across. Soon Ubbe got up pulling Ingrid onto the ground, he wrapped her in a bear hug. She squirmed in his arms but he had a tight hold on her. "I won't let go until you say Ubbe is the best" he tells her, his blue eyes gazing at her. "Warriors! Attack!" The three children ran towards them attacking Ubbe and saving their queen Ingrid. "Tis a quiet entertaining show" Alfred says before biting into his apple. Ingrid pushed herself up off the ground and placed herself next to her brother. "Well brother if we grew up together that's how we'd be playing" Ingrid says wrapping her arm around her brothers shoulder, as the pair watch Ingrids three brave warriors beat up Ubbe Ragnarsson. The laughter of the children and the two siblings could be long heard through the woods.