[Season 4B-6B]
Ingrid was a blessing from the Gods, a gift for her mother Lagertha, a woman who never believed she could have anymore children. As a young child she grew up closely with the famous Ragnar Lothbrok sons, especially his young...
'Better to be a wolf of Odin, than a lamb of God.'
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Ragnhild sat next to Hvitserk that evening in the great hall. There wasn't many people in here this evening, Ragnhild gazed around the main doors which were guarded well by Ivars soldiers. The brunette turned her gaze back to Hvitserk who was now staring into his cup of ale. "I'm sorry to hear about Margrethe." Hvitserk bends his head down, he did care about Margrethe even when she was still married to Ubbe and even when he still had Freyja. Freyja. God's he loved that woman, any woman Hvitserk cared for always ended up dead, he hated it, did the God's love punishing the third Ragnarsson that much? He could never be happy. "It's okay, it was her own fault anyways and besides she shouldn't have helped Ingrid escape."
"Do you think Ivar would have done that to us if we helped her escape?" Hvitserk looked up to meet her blue eyes.
"I'm not sure, I'm beginning to not recognize him anymore. Since she's gone now, and that Freydis has arrived he has become worse. I don't know if it's power or its her" he says as he looks over at the blonde woman sitting closely by Ivar who was too much infatuated with baby Helga.
"Yes I believe that too but I also believe revenge on Lagertha has clouded his mind. That's what Ivar has been settled on from day one hasn't he? And he's not going to stop until she's dead Hvitserk."
Ragnhild and Hvitserk looked over at Ivar as he held his daughter in his arms, smiling at her as she cooed happily in her father's arms. He smiled down at his precious daughter. "You my lille venn you will be queen some day, and you will have all of this, a kingdom given to you by your father and mother of course." Freydis frowned at that, now that Ingrid was out of the way surely Ivar would focus his attention on Freydis. But he hadn't paid attention to her not once not since Ingrid or right now he wasn't paying attention to her, he was too busy with the brunette beauty in his arms, that child. His child. His and Ingrids child. Freydis touched her stomach, yet this baby wasn't his baby, it wasn't created by love like Ivar and Ingrid, her baby was created out of greed and taking Ivar for a fool. She needed Ivar if she wanted to be queen of Kattegat and she needed to think about removing that child Helga from Ivar forever if she wanted to get what she wanted. As Freydis stared down the child in Ivars arms she didn't realise she was being watched by two people who were willing to protect that child with their life.
As soon as Ingrid stepped into the court room, she was welcomed by a giant bear hug. "It's good to see you again little sister." Ingrid smiled up at her big brother once they pulled away from each other. "It's nice to see you once again big brother."