p r o l o g u e

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  "Oh my God, not again..." Wonwoo groaned as he looked at his phone to check the time.

  He had been waking up before 4am for the past month, and that always left him grumpy for the rest of the day.

  Unable to go back to sleep, Wonwoo stood up and carefully walked out of his bedroom heading towards the kitchen. The boy brushed his hair out of his face with his fingers as he reached for a cup to drink some water. Wonwoo sat down and scrolled through the band's Twitter while he drank.

  Suddenly, he started feeling watched. Not that it wasn't normal, since he lived with other twelve boys, but this time it felt weird. Wonwoo looked up from his phone and moved his head around. Everything seemed normal, so the boy stood up and turned around, walking towards the sink, but, as he turned, Wonwoo was faced with a crooked shadow that reached out to him with pointy, long, thin fingers. Wonwoo widened his eyes and screamed, dropping the glass on the floor, out of fear. 

  The boy turned around to run, but after the first step he fell down. Wonwoo winced at the pain of having multiple pieces of glass stuck in his foot, but he just laid on the floor, in fear.

  Soon Joshua came running in the room.

  "Wonwoo! What happened? Why did you scream?" Joshua asked, and then his eyes laid on the broken glass painted red.

  Joshua immediately crouched down and picked Wonwoo up bridal style.

  "N-no huyng wait! I-it'll get us!" Wonwoo stuttered with wide eyes.

  Joshua looked at the boy in his arms, confused.

  Wonwoo glanced back where the shadow used to be, but it was nowhere to be seen. Jisoo shrugged it off and brought Wonwoo to the bathroom, where he sat the younger boy on the toilet. Joshua proceeded to carefully take the pieces of glass off of Wonwoo's feet, and then he delicately bandaged it.

  "What happened Wonwoo?" Joshua asked sitting in front of his bandmate.

  Wonwoo moved his gaze from the floor to the hyung sitting in front of him.

  "There was something behind me. It was looking at me, and it reached out for me. When you came running in the room it vanished..." Wonwoo explained.

  A chill went down Joshua's spine.

  "Well it's probably because of the lack of sleep. Your eyes are playing tricks on you. Now, let's go back to sleep, we have a dance practice in the morning." Joshua told Wonwoo and they both headed towards their own bedrooms

  Wonwoo never looked behind him while walking back to bed, as he was afraid to see it again.

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now