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   Six boys burst in the dorm, smiles plastered on their faces.

  "We did it! Where's Wonwoo I missed him!" Joshua said as they all sat between the calm boys gathered in the living room.

  The six that had just arrived inspected everyone's faces. There were no smiles. There was no laughter. Just, blank faces. Blank faces stained with tears. Everyone was silent and the smiles once present in the room had faded into confused expressions.

  "G-guys, where's Wonwoo?" Seungcheol asked.

  Jeonghan looked up.

  "Probably getting suited up... Getting ready..." Jeonghan replied, in a weak voice.

  "Getting ready? Is someone throwing a party for him and we weren't invited? Is that why you're sulking?" Woozi asked question.

   Jeonghan chuckled at the younger's innocence, as he shifted his gaze to look at him.

  "No Jihoonie, he's getting suited up for his funeral." Jeonghan said with a sad smile, more tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

  "W-what? N-no! Impossible! We burned the body! Stop playing where's hyung!?" Woozi yelled in a desperate voice.

  "Well, it didn't burn fast enough because... Because Wonwoo killed himself." Hoshi said, struggling to get the last part out, as he was choking in his own words.

  All of the boys standing up fell on the ground, almost simultaneously. 

  "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't drive fast enough." Joshua apologized.

  "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my story earlier." Minghao followed.

   "I'm sorry I didn't cut all the crap and make them speak faster." Jun said next.

    "I-I'm sorry I wasn't a good enough leader." Seunghceol said lastly.

   "N-no it's not your fault guys. You did your best." Dino said.

   And as the room was filled with nothing but silence and sobs, someone spoke up.

   "I'm sorry I couldnt' take proper care of the man I loved." Mingyu said, gaining all attention in the room.

   "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you before Wonwoo... I'm sorry I didn't tell you how much I loved you..."

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now