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"What!?" Seungcheol yelled anxiously.

  "I'm sorry Seungcheol, in the contract it says that the sessions can't be recorded. If you take this to court you can go to jail for going against the contract... Besides, that woman has a lot of power. She can easily get a judge that will ignore the rape allegations and will instead focus on the recordings." the CEO exlpained.

  "But we didn't sign anything! You did!" Soonyoung said loudly.

  "Exactly, and I don't want any dirt on my company's name." the man said
confidently, staring at Soonyoung.

  "How fucking disrespectful and inconsiderate do you have to be!? She could've raped Wonwoo!" Jihoon yelled fiercely at his boss.

  "But she didn't, did she? Lower your voice Jihoon, I'm your boss, I could have you fired in seconds. If this video gets leaked anywhere, I will make sure Seventeen has a little "accident" and has to disband." the man said, causing Seungcheol to storm out of the room, followed by the other boys.

  He didn't care if he bumped into someone, he just wanted to go back to the dorm. Seungcheol got a couple glares as he bumped into numerous people, but he was too caught up thinking about what happened to care.

  He violently opened the door of the dorm and punched the nearest wall, leaving a mark there.

  "Cheol hyung? What happened?" Dino asked looking at the leader with big eyes.

  "The man signed a contract... Recording the sessions is forbidden and we could go to jail for it... Also if we leak the recordings he will... He will make Seventeen disband." Seungcheol said, tears welling down from his eyes.

  All of the boys were crying.

  Woozi picked up a chair and smashed it against a counter.

  "Fucking why!" he yelled, his voice breaking in the middle.

  Jihoon's voice was uneven as he stared at the broken chair. Jeonghan approached the younger and wrapped his arms around the boy. Woozi gladly hugged his hyung back and sobbed quietly into his shirt.

  "I-it's gonna be alright guys. W-we'll get through this, I-I know we are." Seungcheol said, trying to calm down the band.

  He sounded desperate, in fact he was. It was stressing, trying to keep his composure while keeping other twelve boys calm.

  They all lied down on the living room's floor, together. Holding each other, afraid that one day this would all be gone.

  "I... I love you guys." Woozi said in a shaky voice.

  This statement made every single member that was holding back their tears absolutely break down.

  They fell asleep like that, all together, and for the first time in forever, Wonwoo didn't wake up in the middle of the night.

  When the thirteen boys woke up, they remembered what happened, and didn't bulge from their spot.

  "Come on guys, let's eat. We don't need anything else happening to us, come on I'll make Mingyu make us pancakes." Joshua said, stading up.

  "Hey!" Mingyu protested while laughing a little.

  Joshua's joke seemed to brighten the mood a little, as everyone stood up
and helped Mingyu do the pancakes, which turned out in the whole band
paying a visit to iHop, because 13 boys in one kitchen does not end well.

   They were all silent as they ate. The air wasn't filled with tension as it was before, seventeen were silent, thinking about what happened and what was going to happen next.

   They didn't wait to go back to their dorm and lay back down on the living room.

   Covered with blankets and pillows, Seventeen started binge watching Disney movies. They had all forgotten what happened as they laughed at each other's corny jokes, until there was a knock on the door. Joshua stood up and opened the door with a smile, that quickly turned to a frown, when he was faces with two cops, two men dressed in a white uniform and... Yongmin.

    "How can I help you officers?" Joshua asked ignoring the woman.

   The officer was about to speak when Yongmin stepped in and interrupted the man.

   "I have written reports of all the sessions me and Mr.Jeon have had and upon a careful analysis I have determined he is not stable and nor are his current acquaintances whom he shares the house with, therefore, after a proper discussion with my superiors it has been decided that Mr.Jeon should be moved to the local asylum."

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