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    Mingyu threw his black suit on. 

   Lately he didn't care about going out or dressing properly, but this day was special. That day was the last day seeing Wonwoo. Mingyu stood in front of the mirror and caressed the lapel of the black jacket.

   "If only I was using this for our wedding instead..." Mingyu whispered. 

  He smiled at the thought of getting married to Wonwoo, a single tear escaping.

  "Gyu we need to go." Seungcheol told the younger.

  Mingyu nodded, and followed the leader almost instantly.

  He looked around the room. Everyone looked paler, thinner, sadder... Wonwoo wouldn't have wanted them to end up like this but it was a big shock, they couldn't help it.

  The thirteen boys left the house and stood by the entrance as Seungcheol counted them to make sure no one was missing.

  "Ten, eleven, twelve... There's someone missing." Seungcheol said.

  Everyone stared at Seungcheol, who went wide eyed upon realizing what he said.

  "Sorry everyone... The habit." Seunghceol apologized with teary eyes. Everyone just nodded and proceeded to enter the vans.

   The twelve boys proceeded to, one by one, say their last words to Wonwoo.

   He laid in his casket, dressed in a tuxedo much like Mingyu's. His face was peaceful, and if it hadn't been for the stitches on his neck one would assume the boy was asleep.

  Mingyu stopped for longer than the other boys. He reached for the older's cold cheek and caressed it, like the last time they were together.

   "How is it possible that you look beautiful even like this?..." Mingyu asked through tears.

   He kissed the older's forehead and left to sit next to Minghao.

  Wonwoo's parents gave a speech each, followed by the burial.

  A small crowd was gathered around the casket as he sunk into the ground, letting all of their tears soak the ground.

   People started leaving, and, eventually it was only Mingyu, kneeling beside his best friend's grave. 

   Mingyu's fingers traced the picture in Wonwoo's grave.

   "I love you Wonwoo..." He said in a whisper, while the tears kept falling, threatening to go on forever.

  Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Mingyu looked at the strangely familiar pale hand. It was way too pale, almost transparent. And for a second, he could swear it was Wonwoo, and all of the doubts were gone when the oh so loved deep voice spoke.

  "I love you too."


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