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   "W-what!? No! This can't be!" Joshua yelled.

   "It's the black haired one with wide eyes holding the tanned one's arm." Yongmin described, wearing a smug smile.

   The two men in white uniforms stepped in and grabbed Wonwoo.

   "No! I'm not crazy! Let me go!"  Wonwoo said kicking around, trying to break free from the tight grip, running off to Mingyu's arm, who held him as tightly as he could.

"What is this!? He hasn't seen the woman in weeks!" Seungcheol lied, remembering what he told Wonwoo to tell the woman.

"Well, I'm the therapist. And according to what I've seen he is unstable and the household he's currently in" she paused, looking around at all of the boys "is not healthy." the therapist declared, and as she finished speaking one of the men approached Wonwoo with something that looked like a gun and shot the boy's leg, making him go unconscious.

"Wonwoo!" Mingyu yelled, with wide eyes.

The policemen carried Wonwoo away from the crying Mingyu.

The four men left the building, leaving Yongmin behind.

"Revenge boys." she said with a smile and left, slamming the door on her way.

Joshua, who had never left the doorstep, looked behind.

Chan was hugged to Seungcheol, crying. Mingyu was sitting on the floor hugging his knees close to his chest while crying. The8 tried to comfort him but it was no use. Woozi was kneeling on the floor, looking empty, with tears threatening to fall. Jeonghan was sitting on the couch, his elbows on his knees, while his hands supported his head. The rest of the band switched glances, with teary eyes, not sure what to do.

"What'd just happen." Joshua said, refusing to accept reality.

The whole room was silent. All that could be heard were Chan's scared sobs and Mingyu's desperate ones.

"S-Seungcheol hyung, what are we gonna do?" Dino asked, looking up for a second.

Everyone stopped and looked at the leader, and for once he gave an answer he never thought he would give.

"I... I don't know." he said in a whisper, with a single tear rolling down his cheek.

The current situation was out of their reach. They couldn't fight against the police, the CEO, the therapist and whoever worked in the place Wonwoo was being taken to.

They all sat on the living room again, in silence. This time, no one dared to pick up the remote, or try to lighten the mood with a joke.

After a couple hours a knock was heard on the door, but no one stood up.

"Boys? It's the CEO." the man announced from the other side of the door.

"Door's open." Joshua said in a monotone.

The CEO came in and saw all the boys gathered on the ground. Unlike what he expected, no one stood up to greet him, no one even looked at him.

"I assume Wonwoo has been picked up already." he spoke, earning nothing but an angry glare from Mingyu.

"Look boys I know-" the CEO started to speak again but he was interrupted.

"You know nothing! Unless you come here to bring Wonwoo I don't want to see you step in this apartment." Mingyu yelled instantly standing up.

"I suggest you-" their boss was interrupted once again.

"Fuck outta here." the smallest im the room said, clenching his jaw.

"I demand respect! I am your boss! I write your paychecks every month, I hope you don't forget that." the CEO yelled, snapping at Woozi.

"And we demand Wonwoo back." Seungcheol said confidently, looking at the CEO.

"Well though luck. Because Wonwoo was removed from Seventeen. From now on, Seventeen are only twelve." he announced and left.

"Well, this isn't getting any better I'm going to my bedroom and hopefully I never wake up from my sleep." Jihoon said and left for his room.

The8 shot up and followed him, which made the rest of the band stare at him.

"Woozi hyung!" the younger called.

Jihoon looked back.

"Hoshi hyung told me about the woman. He told me you guys found something on her." Woozi widened his eyes upon hearing this.

"I knew I shouldn't have told him!" Woozi exclaimed in frustration.

"It's okay hyung, but I need you to show me what you found about her."

"Why?" Jihoon asked, confused.

"Because I might be able to help."

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now