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   As shards of glass were scattered in the grass outside, multiple cuts formed in Wonwoo's hand.

    The woman kept coming closer, and closer. 

    Wonwoo's breaths became quicker, and more desperate.

    His vision started getting blurry.

   His limbs started going numb.

   And, finally, his mind started going insane.

  His hand carelessly swung back and grabbed a shard still stuck to the frame of the window, and pulled it out.

  As all of this happened Mingyu showed up by the corner of the hallway, and all he could process was a hand, holding a shard that got closer and closer to his lover's throat as the seconds passed by. Mingyu's arm reached out to Wonwoo, while he ran towards him.

   "Wonwoo no!" Mingyu yelled, but it was too late. It was far too late.

   The glass tore Wonwoo's skin apart, in a horizontal line, as his hand flew across his own neck. The boy fell to the floor, feeling his body grow cold.

   Mingyu knelt by his side, out of breath, with a river of tears flowing down each cheek.

  "N-no! No, no, no Wonwoo wake up! Please wake up!" Mingyu called desperately, between sobs.

  He rested the older's head in his lap, and let a few tears warm up the older's cold face.

   "I love you..." Mingyu cried, and as he looked down, Wonwoo's eyes opened a little, and he smiled weakly, before closing them again, forever.

  Mingyu held the hand that once cut his lover's throat, and he did not know he could hate and love such hand at the same time. Altough the boy was getting stained with blood, he didn't care. Mingyu held his hyung closer and closer, refusing to let go more than ever as the guards and nurses tried to separate them. Mingyu was not holding onto just a lifeless body, no. He was holding onto his hope. His happiness. The dearest person in his life.

   But, in the end, he had to. Mingyu let go of the cold, lifeless body he once loved, and forever would love. And as he let go he cursed the name of everyone who separated Wonwoo from him. And that day Mingyu had to let go.

   Mingyu let go the warm smile.

   Mingyu let go the deep voice.

  Mingyu let go the warm hugs.

  Mingyu let go all of the laughter.

  Mingyu let go his love.

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